On Tue, Jul 01, 2014 at 09:28:47AM -0500, Sero wrote:
> I am very confused about this because I cannot find any reference on this
> on any pubblication or discussion on the net.
> My feeling is that the larger directivity angle the best (up to
> omnidirectional) but I am still not sure about this.

Regardless of whatever 'suspected', 'hopefully correct' and 
'unproven' theories you way find in the wild, there are a
few basic facts to take into account:

* Each speaker should cover the intended listening area as
  uniformly as possible.

* Almost all speakers will be omni up to to few hundred Hz.
  Above that the best ones tend to have a fairly broad

* If your room acoustics are bad, using directional speakers
  will not necessarily help, they could even make things worse.
  Unless maybe when you're building a PA system in a sports hall.

* LF room effects are much more related to *where* the speakers
  are than to how they radiate.



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