On 10/15/2015 11:31 AM, Sebastian Gabler wrote:
That's specifically true for the 8010s. Their max SPL @ 1 m is app. 105
dB per pair, but the long term SPL is only 91 dB, expressly stated that
it is because of the protection circuit in the manual.
That being said, with 32 speakers, the SPL is 4 time higher than for 2.
That's far beyond comfort zone for any listener for the specified values.

Careful there. No program material ever uses all speakers for the oomph passages. Usually it's a very sharply located source that shouts out at you, which basically means every single speaker has to be able to deliver that oomph, single-handedly. Curse of multichannel. Content doesn't scale :(

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT


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