On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 09:51:32PM +0000, Martin Dupras wrote:
> At this moment in time, I have the opportunity to deploy (next week) a
> 16-channel array, so I would like some advice on a configuration that
> would be a good start to experiment with Ambisonics with height.
> Someone suggested that I consult the wikipedia page on Ambisonics.
> That is indeed where I got the idea that an "upper hemisphere" setup
> might be suitable, since I only have on this occasion 16 speakers.
> There is however no suggestion as to what a suitable hemispherical
> configuration might be for a 16-speaker array, which is why I asked my
> original question.

Provided you don't have 'below the horizon' content, a ring of 
8 ten degrees below horizontal + a ring of 6 at 45 degrees up +
(eventually) a single zenith speaker would be more or less
optimal. So that's 14 or 15 speakers.

The reason for placing the horizontal ring a bit low is that
most algorithms when computing a hemispherical decoder will
actually (or implicitly) compute a full sphere decoder and
then drop the lower part. There result is that horizontal
sounds are 'pulled up' a bit, as Fernando already pointed



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