On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 06:01:57PM +0200, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote:

> The equivalent noise for a single mems mic is 31 dba, the example using 16
> mems would give an improvement of 12 dB getting to 19dBa  which is equal to
> the Tetramic spec.

Only for the W signal. For X,Y,Z you'd gain 4 dB less and then only in
a narrow frequency range. As frequency goes down, noise on X,Y,Z will
increase by 6 dB/octave. Things will be worse again for higher order.
And IIRC, for the Tetramic 19dB(A) is the spec for a single capsule.
> I am not so certain about the actual mathematics about it, but what would
> be the result of having the mems distributed along straight lines in a 3
> dimensional cross on thin "sticks" instead of a circular flat pool?

When using a solid sphere the diffraction at mid/high F helps to
create the wanted directional response. That would not be the case
for a 'open' construction.



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