Surely it must depend on the convention used in your decoder software. For example, Harpex-B uses

        1  8
      2      7
      3      6
        4  5

for an 8-speaker horizontal ring, or

        1  6
      2      5
        3  4

for a 6-speaker ring, but VVMic uses

        1  2
      3      4
        5  6

Gerard Lardner

On 16/11/2016 22:12, Augustine Leudar wrote:
How do you number you arrays - there seems to be two ways I've come
across.. Using the example of an octophonic array
The first way seems to be circular :

   1   2
8        3
7        4
    6   5

The other way is as follows :

    1  2
3       4
5       6
    7  8

There doesnt seem to be an standard way of doing this - I was curious as to
how other sursounders number their speakers ?

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