On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:08 AM, David Pickett <> wrote:

> At 19:12 27/06/2017, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
>> On 06/27/2017 02:53 PM, David Pickett wrote: > At 13:52 27/06/2017,
>> Augustine Leudar wrote: >  >Hi, >  >I know I've asked this before but maybe
>> there's some new developments. > HAs >  >anyone any suggestions for
>> anything up to a permanent 22 channel >  >installation (could be two
>> devices started at the same time and set to >  >loop) . The best suggestion
>> Ive had I think is one of those old hard disk >  >recorders for use with
>> mixing desks ? Any other suggestions ? Ive been > the >  >computer with
>> multchannel soundcard route and it is not an experience Id >  >like to
>> repeat. Must be bomb/cleaner/child/adult proof, > > A second hand Alesis
>> HD24, if you are on a low budget.  They are > bomb-proof. Iff you can get
>> the appropriate disks, which seem to be fetching collector's prices these
>> days :-D
> I am still using mine (as a backup, connected with ADAT I/O) with the old
> parallel disks, but members of the Yahoo HD24 group have successfully
> converted machines to run with modern SATA disks.  Unlike the USB stick,
> nobody is likely to nick the HD!
> As to not having a guarantee, the system is so simple that once it works
> it seems to go for ever.  However, as a consequence of this, I see that
> prices are holding steady on Ebay at c. 500 quid.
> David
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