> "Artists electing to do a PhD is a relatively recent phenomenon, there was
> a time when an MFA was as far as most went, and before that a degree
> sufficed."
> Which kind of makes my point .

arguably, rather than being driven by the academicisation of creative
practice, this reflects changes in cultural labor markets and the emergence
of a growth industry we know as the "qualifications market." The wholesale
corporatisation of third level education has played a role.

"PhD is simply your license to do research in an academic institution"
> This is what a PhD may mean to you - but it is not the objective definition
> of a PhD and many people will hold a different view

yes, totally subjective, although it's what I believe it has become rather
than what I believe it should be. I guess the cynicism here stems from
witnessing a place become part of the Russell Group, everything was very
quickly reduced to a box ticking exercise; and that's what my PhD felt by
the end.

I will inform her to issue all future
> applicants with coloring books.

they can start with this one

On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Augustine Leudar <augustineleu...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> "Artists electing to do a PhD is a relatively recent phenomenon, there was
> a time when an MFA was as far as most went, and before that a degree
> sufficed."
> Which kind of makes my point . Although PhD is the arts may be relatively
> new - research and innovation, new discoveries in the arts are not . If
> academia adopts a new field  and wished to make grounbreaking new work in
> that field - to discover new knowledge - it cannot ignore the methods by
> which new work in that field has been created for thousands of years. In
> the case of art new ground has not traditionally been broken by asking
> verbal research questions - they are their own language - you can no more
> translate true innovation in the arts into the spoken word than you could a
> pure mathematics PhD.
> "PhD is simply your license to do research in an academic institution"
> This is what a PhD may mean to you - but it is not the objective definition
> of a PhD and many people will hold a different view
> "It never ceases to amaze me how many PhD candidates have NO idea what
> they want
> to research before they register for the degree.  I would agree these
> people should not be doing a PhD, they should instead be given a coloring
> book ; )"
>  I have a close family member who is a Professor of physics - she tells me
> it is quite common for students to signifiy they wish to do a PhD without
> knowing the exact area they will be studying - it is the dpartment that
> tells them what their PhD thesis will be on - and often they end up doing
> something quite different . I will inform her to issue all future
> applicants with coloring books.
> On 18 August 2017 at 15:48, Phi Shu <phi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > "No-one would deny that many of the greatest artists of our time made
> > huge
> > > progress and developments in the arts - but often would write nothing
> at
> > > all about their work."
> >
> >
> > how many of the "greatest artists of our time" bothered doing a PhD?
> > Artists electing to do a PhD is a relatively recent phenomenon, there
> was a
> > time when an MFA was as far as most went, and before that a degree
> > sufficed.
> >
> > a PhD is simply your license to do research in an academic institution,
> > nothing more, so if you don't actually do any novel research acquiring
> it,
> > you shouldn't be awarded the title, sorry, that's just the way I see it.
> >
> > "It never ceases to amaze me how many PhD candidates have NO idea what
> they
> > > want to research before they register for the degree."
> >
> >
> > I would agree these people should not be doing a PhD, they should instead
> > be given a coloring book ; )
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> --
> Dr. Augustine Leudar
> Artistic Director Magik Door LTD
> Company Number : NI635217
> Registered 63 Ballycoan rd,
> Belfast BT88LL
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