On 05/07/2018 07:05 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
So I bought a robotic arm. Len (from Core Sound) asked off-list about
it, so I'm including some information here. I got the WidowXL from
Trossen Robotics. Anything better (as far as I could find, not an
expert!) would have driven the price up ...

Just a quick update (maybe will help someone else). Most of this I knew beforehand...

The robotic arm is a bit on the short side to manipulate my microphones so as to get measurements at high elevations with respect to the horizontal plane (ie: can't tilt it enough without changing the location of the center of the array - or, with a different initial pose I can get high elevations for one of the hemispheres but not for the other). Shorter microphones should not have this problem. And the wrist servo has only 300 degrees of rotation which makes it not so useful to rotate the microphone for measurements.

So I modified it. I removed the gripper as I do not need it (which shortened the wrist which means I can get better elevation coverage) and replaced the wrist rotation servo with another one that has 360 degrees of rotation (so I can use it to rotate the microphone for measurements - this required me to design and 3d print a connection block). And modified the software that controls the arm to take these changes into account.

Looks more promising now...

Having played with it for a bit I know now it would not be out of the question to design a more suitable arm with the same type of servos and control board, it is a very flexible system. I could even lengthen the arm segments of the one I have, but enough modding for now... :-)

-- Fernando

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