On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Chester Rundel wrote:

> Anthony
> Found your posting very interesting. I want to try some of this out.
> You know just for grins and giggles! I was wondering if QNX would work on
> CF for internet use. Fits on 3.5 floppy.

My (limited) understanding of QNX is that it is a "real-time" optimized
variation on Unix, so that it should be ideal for small, fast, CF-based
systems & robots.  Some might go so far as to call it a "bullet-proof"
analogue to Windows CE.

>                                           Also curious if there is a
> converter that would allow connecting CF to a laptop through a card slot?

Check the specs. - I thought I saw one that mentioned laptops - and a
PCMCIA card sounds ideal for swapping large chunks of data (If you did
have a hard drive - and instead of, if you didn't.)  Chech what the
existing hard drive interface is, and match it (miniature IDE? or

Boyd Ramsay


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