Heimo Claasen wrote:
> Nosing around at some of the URLs for instance showed up
> one IDE adapter with a 8(!) MB card holding a scaled-down
> Linux (tapr.org) - that one would hardly hold the linux card
> service too

Why not?  8mb is plenty of room for Linux, even with
the pcmcia package.

> but a larger one (in the 128 or 256 MB range) probably could;

128mb is overkill.  As I understand it, you will be using
the pcmcia slot for the big applications, so the CF for the
root Linux system doesn't have to be very big.

> and with DOS, 8 MB wouldn't be of a problem anyway.

It's not a problem for Linux either.  One of the BasicLinux
options runs a 1.4mb filesystem (uncompressed).  It runs on
a floppy.  No HD.  No ramdisk.  The standard BasicLinux has
a 3.3mb filesystem.  It runs on a 4mb ramdisk.  The bas2hd
version of BasicLinux has a 5mb filesystem.  It runs on a
HD partition.

8mb is plenty of room for Linux.



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