Hello Heimo -
> FWIW, there was an announcement in the latest issue of a larger German
> 'putermag for a - new, and maybe even first ?  - DOS (and Win-3x) socket
> (TSR?) prog which allows precisely that.  But it's 60 EUR/USD :((
> ==> www.tssc.de

I always smile at this.  As I DOS and W31 user these many years who
gets a good deal of criticism for using them I see more people turning
back lately and realizing that DOS and W31 weren't so terrible after
all. LOL

> Finally, on that Ghost/disk_imager/xcopy_all thingy: That's not it
> either, therefore; if I understood it well. What's needed is to trick(?)
> the BIOS(?) into taking another than the C: drive for booting.

Make the CF the `master'connection?

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