Hi Aleks!

How goes? Sorry not to keep in touch, been immersed (still immersed).

>Hi Keith! :-)!
> > Hi Alan, Aleks, Warren
> >
> > Does this shed any light?
> >
> > "In allowing fats and oils to react with a lower alcohol in the
> > presence of a catalyst to produce a lower alkyl ester of fatty
> > by subjecting the triglyceride contained in the fats and oils to
> > exchange reaction, a solid basic catalyst composed of a potassium
> > compound or a calcium compound and iron oxide or a potassium
> > and zirconium oxide is used as the catalyst."
> >
>Yes, what's the source?

Well now, we journalists go to prison rather than reveal our 
sources... :-) I'll tell you when you're 21.

>Potassium (calcium - better) ions are said to activate the lipase (or
>increase activity, dunno which), Iron and zirconium oxides are 'new'
>ceramics - in various mixes. I think that diat. earth as a carrier is
>good enough.

Yeah, little animal skeletons, hollow inside. Made of calcium, aren't 
they? You know it also comes in a solid form? Like sandstone. I think 
the "earth" form is obtained by grinding up the solid form. Maybe the 
solid form would be more useful to you?

>I've read that someone uses clay as a carrier.

Also hollow inside, huge internal surface areas. Wonder what kind of 
clay? They all have different properties. Isn't Fuller's Earth a 
super-absorbent one (or should that be adsorbent?)?

>Now I
>would just like to know how to bind it to lipase.

I'm groping in the dark with all this, I have just that little amount 
of knowledge that's said to be a dangerous thing. Paraquat 
weedkiller, for instance, very nasty stuff, is instantly inactivated 
once it hits the soil because it becomes very strongly bound to the 
clay particles - it's said it'll stay there for a thousand years (and 
then what??). If you happen to drink some paraquat, your only hope is 
to eat some soil, but fast! People have apparently been saved this 
way. Rapid binding. So what kind of binding would that be? Electrical 
rather than chemical?

>I'm researching in
>this direction. I'm sick of the lye, the multi stage washing,
>week_long drying-settling, etc. (As soon as I 'showed the money' I
>got flooded with oil).

Never satisfied! lol

I think that young feller Terry de Winne might know something about 
enzyme catalysis, don't you Terry, if you're there?

Good luck Aleks!



>Cheers, Aleks

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