>Sorry if I appear to be the proverbial wet blanket, but has anyone noticed
>several unsubscription requests lately referring to excessive correspondence
>which they are unable to plow through, as well as "off topic" material?
>Would it be entirely out of line to suggest that we seriously attempt to
>limit the lightheartedness, joviality and frivolity of off topic material to
>off list conversation?
>Just a purist, die-hard, extremist who would prefer to keep as many people
>in the loop for as long as possible - all the while attempting to maintain
>my sanity in an insane world.
>Todd Swearingen
>Appal Energy

Hi Todd

You're quite right. And, by the way, I fully agree with your response 
to the "unsubscribe" message complaining about environmental issues 
and so on. Part of our function here should be to provide the context 
for biofuels use. It's not just a matter of "self sufficiency and 
cost savings regarding energy", important though they are.

There was a big movement towards renewable energy in the US and 
elsewhere in the early 80s, not for the first time, but it died when 
the fuel prices dropped. Now the biofuels movement is burgeoning 
worldwide, and I'm sure it won't die this time, no matter what the 
fuel prices do, exactly because of the much wider context beyond 
saving a few bucks on fuel. There's much more to it than that, and 
more to it than the technical aspects too, the how-to's and so on. 
Why-to is a major issue, and very connected with all the other 
environmental/political issues.

So the topic is and should be a broad one. But there are limits, and 
I agree that some recent threads have gone well beyond them. Sure, 
life is short and should be sweet and so on, and an occasional OT 
funny does no harm; people should indeed be allowed to say what they 
like, but there's a responsibility that goes with free speech, and, 
apart from flames, trolling, spam and such, list members also have 
the responsibility to stay generally on-topic. I reckon everyone 
knows well enough what's definitely off-topic, at least.

It's hard to say why people unsubscribe. They come and they go, for 
their own reasons. In the last week the overall number's remained 
about the same, with 40 new members and 40 unsubscriptions. That is a 
bit unusual, usually there are steadily more subscribes than 
unsubscribes. If it's the environmental stuff they don't like, well, 
first, it's only a small proportion of what's posted, it's nonsense 
that it "bogs down" the list, and I'd say they're overreacting; 
second, if they can't see all the practical content on home fuel 
brewing and the like amid the "100+ emails almost daily" (??), well, 
that's their problem. As Michael says, there's such a thing as a 
delete button. But maybe someone who repeatedly posts "unsubscribe" 
messages (pleas, even) to the list, though the unsubscribe address 
appears twice in each message, hasn't discovered the delete button 
yet? :-)

Anyway, yes, please let's cut the crap, but that certainly doesn't 
include the broad-ranging discussion we have here that DOES concern 
biofuels. If that's driving some people away, well, let them go, it's 
their choice - if they want a narrow perspective I'm sure there are 
other lists for them. A lot of members tell me they like this one the 
way it is. And so do I, I must say.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
Handmade Projects


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