1) i find that glycerol, after the excess alky evaporates, makes a passable
soap. wonder if anybody in the list has tried filtering, neutralizing,
coloring, and scenting it, for use as 'liquid soap' ? (i must try this
someday !!)

what would be the pros and cons ?

tickell mentions turning glycerol into glycerin soap, by adding more naoh,
etc, etc.  would a liquid form of the soap be easier than tickell's
suggested 'hard soap' transformation ?

glycerin soap is a premium soap, and i would imagine that a 'hand made'
liquid version of it would also be a premium soap of sorts.

2) read somewhere that glycerol can be used as a soil improver. can't
remember exactly if that was as an additional nutrient, or as an additional
carbon source (ie, organic content). if so, couldn't it  be mixed with an
inert medium allowing for easy application ? what would happen if glycerol
gets added to a compost pile, or to a methane biodigestor ? or mixed with
chips and used as a sort of 'super mulch' ?

3) will  glycerol disolve into another fuel/solvent, making the end product
easier and safer to use as a substitute for heating fuel ?

4) could glycerol be used as a gasoline/alcohol/dinodiesel additive, adding
lubricity ?

5) how innocuous is glycerol ? (neutralized and no free alky) could it be
used as an intimate lubricant ? (:-D)

6) what about floating wick glycerol candles ? sort of like the old tallow
lamps ?

7) is glycerol edible ? could it be mixed with starch, fermented, and
distilled into a potent brew ? or mixed into animal fodder ? glycerol
wheaties, anyone ?

8) could glycerol be mixed with another tensioactive product, and made into
a 'new generation biodegradable detergent' ? anybody try using it in the
clotheswasher, or dishwasher (my wife would give me a full bobbit, so count
me out...), either at 100 %, or mixed with regular gunk ?

9) will red worms 'process' glycerol, turning it into a very saleable 'worm
compost' ? (big market for this...)


(nothing beats lateral thinking, methinks !!!)

cheers, dick.

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