
You are absolutely correct when you say that I have a very narrow point of
view. Matter of fact, the truth is the narrowest fine line one can ever

Throw in a few shades of gray and it becomes oh so much more simple and
broad a path to walk.

Don't suppose you've given any further thought to the disparity between the
US and European approaches to energy and environment issues, have you?

As for angry words, they weren't expressed in anger. Elevated to make a
point, but I've not tasted anger in some time. Sorry if my opting not to
candy coat a poison pill irritates. I gave up buttering all sides of my
bread decades ago. Life is too short to placate people and make them feel
good about doing nothing or less.

As for what you think, feel or believe, this is your choice. I'm neither
happy or unhappy by what you choose. I do go on however.

As for thinking that this was all a personal attempt to deflock someone, it
was nothing more than an expression of weariness in general with having to
accept a general population that needs a good nose wiping. It truly was not
an attempt to grouse at you personally. However, I guess anyone who chooses
to defend a largely untenable position might feel a bit targeted.

The Limey was right. Americans whine too much without so much cause as a

Still praying for $5.00 a gallon and reform of consumer habits....

Appal Energy

> Todd,
> You have a very narrow point of view.
> This may make life simpler for you but I doubt it
> helps change the social dilemmas you seem to abhor.
> Your angry words must alienate many that might
> otherwise join your (our) cause.
> Will it make you a happier person if I simply stand
> still and quiet and appear to accept any angry
> statement that you may throw out into the ether?
> Out of respect for the others on this forum I don't
> think we should clog up the bandwidth with any more of
> this back and forth as I am not sure that it is on
> topic and I doubt others are interested. Please feel
> free to contact me off forum if you wish to have a
> discussion in which we might both learn something from
> obviously differing points of view.
> If however you just wish to blow off steam on the
> forum I refuse to participate further.
> Dana Linscott
> --- Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Okay Dana,
> >
> > Take a guess at what the average fuel economy of the
> > domestic fleet in
> > Europe is and then compare it to "the good ole' US
> > of A." Then take a look
> > at the trend in both countries during the past 20
> > years. Now take a look at
> > what the projected next two years in sales of SUVs
> > is going to do to average
> > domestic fleet economy in this country.
> >
> > The answers are the first clues that our friends
> > across the pond have been
> > dealing with energy realities for a few more decades
> > than we poor deprived
> > souls.
> >
> > You're right. There is no argument.
> >
> > As for "its' just ameribashing," you're bloody well
> > right, and deservedly
> > so. Whiney Yanks sniveling over a few pennies
> > increase per gallon when the
> > rest of the world deals with life's realities is
> > about the most pathetic
> > sight on the planet, just short of a few other human
> > tragedies of
> > catastrophic proportions.
> >
> > What I would give to see the majority of my fellow
> > countrymen and women suck
> > it up like adults and start to carry their own
> > weight, rather than whining.
> >
> > Maybe yet in my lifetime.
> >
> > Praying for $5.00 a gallon...and a consumer
> > awakening....
> >
> > Todd
> > Appal Energy
> >
> >
> >
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