
"absolutely correct" thta was kind'a toungue in cheek. The oil figures were
yearly not daily, it was late and I read it too quickly. Divide by 345 to
get the correct result.


-----Original Message-----
From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Ethanol is a net energy loser~Bigtime

"No doubt" ???

"Absolutely" ?????

"Correct" ????????

Appal Energy

> No doubt all what professor Pimentel has said is absolutely correct. But
> 50 years time when world conventional oil production is down to 17 billion
> barrels per day and demand for oil equivalent in liquid fuels is 70
> barrels per day, American motor vehicles are not going to be powered
> by ethanol produced from corn.
> There will be other far more efficient methods of producing energy for
> transportation. Enzymatic conversion of cellulosic feed stocks to sugars
> alcohols will no doubt be one of them. If we already have the technology
> clone stud animals today, then surely we will soon have the technology to
> genetically engineer plants that produce their own enzymes not only for
> cellulose-sugar conversion, but also sugar-alcohol conversion. We will
> simply mash up these plants, put them into a fermentation tank, add water,
> raise the temperature and distil the resulting beer.
> Deriving liquid fuels from natural gas, coal, shale, tar sands and methane
> hydrates etc. will not only be too expensive, but also create atmospheric,
> land and water pollution which by 2050 will no longer be politically
> acceptable in any part of the world. Therefore a combination of reduced
> demand for liquid fuels and cheap bio fuels produced from dedicated energy
> crops is the most likely long term scenario.
> In the meantime however, what if it takes 70% more energy to produce
> from corn that the ethanol produces? It is good for the atmosphere, it is
> good for the farmers, it makes cars run better and it boosts technology
> development.
> So the industry is subsidised. What would we rather do? Spend the tax
> on something that is good for the rural GDP and good for the planet, or
> OPEC wealthier, spew more CO2 into the atmosphere and have our economies
> down a path of ever increasing environmental cost and diminishing
> Sometimes one wonders what these so called scientists do for common sense.
> They are so busy investigating, analysing, and tabulating, that they loose
> sight of the practical world that we live in.
> Hanns

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