Small-scale wind power utilization is definitely NOT the trend in the US.  
Installed capacity here generally consists of 80 - 300 MW farms of hundreds of 
1MW + turbines.  There is great popular support for wind in the US as evidenced 
by the fact that consumers are willing to pay a premium for wind-generated 
electricity.  Additionally, many political jurisdictions are mandating that a 
percentage of electricity production come from renewable sources.  There is 
definitely a market for wind power, but the biggest obstacle to wind 
development is economic.  While turbine designs have evolved, in order for them 
to be cost effective over their 20 year life-span, they still need fairly 
constant wind blowing at 15 meters per second.  Most of these prime wind 
resources are located in sparsely populated areas, where the electrical 
infrastructure is either far away or too small to support the added load.  This 
forces developers to build and/or reinforce transmission lines, which adds 
expense to the project and makes wind power more expensive than federally 
subsidized fossil fuel.  We are almost to the point of price parity, so every 
penny increase in oil makes wind more attractive to investors, developers, and 
consumers.  As a finite commodity, the price of oil can only go up, which means 
that eventually wind will be cheaper.  When that happens, there will be an 
explosion of wind development in the US.  It is estimated that with current 
turbine technology, all of our (US) electrical needs could be met by the wind 
resources in Texas and the Dakotas alone.  




-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Wind Power -- a European Success Story

Wind Power -- a European Success Story

By Craig Morris, Telepolis
May 13, 2003

As we saw in the last installment on wind power, (Are Wind Turbines 
Actually Bird Blenders?) wind turbines are neither dangerous for 
birds, nor is wind power more expensive than the fossil competition. 
However, there remain two common bones of contention, both of which 
we can disprove: Wind turbines are said to be loud and ugly.

Ever stood under a modern wind turbine turning full-blast? You may 
not be able to hear it, if the leaves in nearby trees are rustling. 
Several advances were made around 1990 to make wind turbines quieter. 
First, the rotor blades were slowed down, for the tips of the rotor 
blades are one of the main sources of noise. This did not, however, 
mean that less power was generated. More power is generally generated 
at lower speeds when 3 rotor blades rather than only 2 are used, but 
the major advance came when rotor blades were developed with 
adjustable pitch. Rotor blades can now be turned into and out of the 
wind, allowing for more optimal rotor speeds at various wind 
velocities - hence greater power gains.

Another major breakthrough came in 1992 from Germany. Enercon 
developed a gearless wind turbine that was more robust, powerful and 
quiet than anything before, the E-40. Noise and energy losses from 
gears were now a thing of the past. And the industry was increasingly 
centered in Europe.

Today, you can't hear a modern wind turbine near a street over the 
noise from the traffic - and that has been the case for many years, 
as the web site of the Danish Wind Industry Association explains:

"A survey on research and development priorities of Danish wind 
turbine manufacturers conducted in 1995, however, showed that no 
manufacturer considered mechanical noise as a problem any longer, and 
therefore no further research in the area was considered necessary. 
The reason was, that within three years noise emissions had dropped 
to half their previous level due to better engineering practices."

Still, some people claim to be disturbed by an inaudibly deep droning 
said to emanate from wind turbines. In addition, the flickering shade 
caused by the rotating blades is another reason why wind turbines 
should not be erected where they would cast shadows on buildings. But 
modern wind turbines are so quiet that in densely populated countries 
like the Netherlands - where on-shore space for wind turbines is 
dwindling - new ways of integrating small wind turbines and 
architecture are being sought.

This is how researcher Sander Mertens of the Technical University of 
Delft (NL) envisions a university building with wind turbines on the 
roof. These vertical-axis "Darrieus" wind turbines turn irrespective 
of the direction of the wind.

Don't expect to see any 60 meter tall wind turbines in the grachten 
of Amsterdam, but don't be surprised either if you soon see smaller 
models popping up on the roofs of the town - and producing more 
electricity over the year than the residents of the house consume. 
Indeed, discussions about such building-integrated systems are by no 
means limited to the Netherlands. Researchers from the University of 
Stuttgart in Germany and the British Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
are designing buildings that concentrate the wind for the turbines. 
The first experiment models have already been built.

Esthetic and political decisions

The decision about whether wind power will make its way into urban 
centers will largely depend on how people react to the idea. And as 
the saying goes, there is no arguing about taste. Having said that, 
it is not at all clear that very many people find wind turbines 
unattractive. Quite the contrary, wherever one goes all over the 
world most people clearly seem to find wind turbines attractive: from 
Australia, where the turbine on the island of Rottnest could become a 
tourist attraction, to North America, where a recent study found that 
wind turbines do not have a negative impact on the value of nearby 
residential property (unlike high-voltage power pylons), to Europe, 
where various studies have shown that around 80 percent of those 
surveyed do not display an NIMBY attitude to planned wind farms, but 
openly welcome them. Even in the USA, a clear majority want to get 
their energy from renewable sources, as a survey conducted in 
February of 2003 in Colorado showed: A full 82 percent named some 
type of renewable energy first when asked how they wanted to have 
their power generated, with wind power being the most popular at 37 

Now be honest: is the wind turbine really what you find unattractive 
in this photo? (Courtesy of the German Association of Wind Energy)

When deciding how close to live to wind parks, we should not be 
distracted by arguments that these towers are somehow not part of the 
traditional landscape or national heritage, as is often argued by 
detractors of wind power in Europe. Not only is this line of thinking 
quite rare even where it is advocated most vehemently, such as in the 
Black Forest, where five of seven people surveyed stated that they 
find wind turbines attractive in a recent survey. It is also 
generally nonsensical, such as in the case of the Black Forest, where 
roads and ski slops cut into the forest over the past 100 years have 
altered the landscape considerably. Acid rain from fossil-fuel 
pollution damaged the forest that remained so much that the term 
Waldsterben (forest death) was coined a few decades ago. And that is 
exactly the point: this "protect our heritage" line of thinking 
obscures that fact that the choice is not between pristine landscapes 
and monstrous wind towers, but rather between coal, crude, and 
Chernobyl, on the one hand, and clean energy and eternal energy 
independence, on the other. The only other option is an energy 

Europe learns from America's mistakes

In the 80s, the U.S. had over half of the installed wind capacity 
worldwide. The USA gradually lost its leadership when the cuts Ronald 
Reagan made to Jimmy Carter's programs to develop renewable energy 
began to undo the initial progress. Throughout the 90s, continuing 
uncertainties in the government's commitments to renewable energy 
have made investments in this budding industry a bit of a roller 
coaster ride; one year, federal support is good, but the next year 
hardly anyone is willing to invest as governmental support is 
reconsidered. Wind turbines can run for decades, so a stable 
investment plan has to be based on price commitments that last longer 
than a few years.

Such price commitments are why Denmark and Germany have made up so 
much ground since the early 1990s. The political commitment to wind 
power in Germany, for instance, crosses all parties: the current 
government is from the left (Social Democrats and Greens), but the 
government that first implemented price guarantees for wind power 
producers in 1990 was the right-of-center coalition under Helmut 
Kohl. Thirteen years later, these laws still apply. Unlike their 
American counterparts, German investors thus do not have to include 
governmental wavering in their risk assessment. Today, three fourths 
of the installed capacity worldwide is found in Europe. The U.S. 
cannot compete with Europeans any more when it comes to wind energy, 
which may be why there have been reports all over the German press of 
the U.S. using Echelon to steal wind technology from Germany: 
Enercon's E-40, the best selling turbine of all time, cannot be sold 
in the U.S. because an American firm - the now-bankrupt Kenetech 
Windpower Inc. - filed a patent incredibly identical to the design of 
the E-40 before the Germans could bring their patent to the States.

It should be pointed out that, though Germany is now the number one 
producer of wind power, it hardly has good wind conditions; France 
and Great Britain, for instance, have much more potential, but less 
political support for wind power. Overall, Germany produced 18 
percent more "green" power in 2002 than in the previous year. But 
while wind may blow and the sun may shine for free, the technology to 
harvest the power costs good money. More and more of it is not "Made 
in the USA."

Craig Morris writes for the German website Telepolis and directs 
Petite Plante Translations, which specializes in translations for 
new technologies. He gets all of his power from Greenpeace Energy, 
which any consumer in Germany can buy. By 2007, all EU countries will 
be offering power from "green" utilities.

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