Hello Eong and Keith addision

    Thank you  for your keen interest  about the  more discussion of biogas 
here in  yahoo biofuel group , which our small  research group in Brasil also 
believes too have good green future , in addition to bio oil and bidiesel of 
real  energy economy where as H2 will be the virtual one using this real energy 
carrier .The simple bioreactor can also recover energy from  waste of urban , 
agricultural and animal  of alltypes , including the glycerine and ester , if 
properly designed.

    Our group  is designing  biodigester horizontal rectangular tanque WITH 
locally made bricks or sand ciment blocks, covered  rectangular plasic sheet 
suported by plastic nets all housed under rectangular wooden box, all to making 
use of local materials and  manpower.

       The gas generated can be compreesed  and put in gas cylinder of cooking 
gas, all are available in all the  place of Brasil.

         The solid resdiues are fermented  aerobically after milling using 
seleted strain of fungus to accelerate composting using little urea, then  the 
composted materials are solubilzed  using bacterias  grown  with the solution 
of the out put of the biodigesters.


    The compressed biogas can easily suppliment with biodisel and  bioiol made 
from bimass in rural areas.This can be aapropriate ecological solution under  
developing  stage by our small research groups.

   Technical colaborations are welcome to make our research sucess. Our project 
has finished the design stage, will be soon implemented and operated both de 
biogas  and together with biooil project of lower cost for small scale  power 
generations.In addition we wish to make biodeisel from bio oil from wood.

  Thanks again our group leader,to make our group one of the best working group 
of biofuel, who really move the discussion in correct directions for real world 
problems.I also feel that this group is doing a lot to make  deveoped countries 
 technical experiences to developing one to make  great green future for 
biofuel and all our group members to



                 Two reactor in batch operations  need tecnical skill, when one 
is not operating , other need to be cleaned  and charged with raw materials,


Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Eong and Pannirselvam

Could you provide a description of the technologies you're using?

I'd welcome more discussion of biogas issues and technologies - we do 
have it, but not enough, IMO. Very much on-topic here. Recent 
discussion on the composition of "natural gas" (LPG) and other 
sources of methane came close.

We've discussed these before, among others - bag digesters:

How to install a polyethylene biogas plant

Biodigester installation manual

Are your units similar?

Re locally available raw materials, I wonder what could be adpated to 
serve the purpose of a polyethylene bag... When you see something 
like this it seems anything's possible!
Culture Corner Archive: Makin' Moonshine

>     Our university research group situated in the the city o Natal, 
>Northeast of Brazil ina na under developed area of Brazil, 
>different  than the economically  developed area of the  south of 
>Brazil ,  under my coordination have  technical resource  for the 
>new  low cost design  for  biogas from  solid residues regarding 
>inovative design..We   wish to  lend helping hand to  have joint 
>effort  to solve  the problems there and our research students wish 
>to lend the helping hand also to you.
>   I thank the  leader of this  biofuel group , who does  a lot  to 
>bring the people all over the world  and  do very seroius  work  and 
>wish to thank  all of them related to biofuel   for the very serious 
>work. Let us join hand help each other by sharing our technical 

Indeed yes, that's exactly what it's for!

Best wishes

Keith Addison

>ONG San Guan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am sourcing for biogas technologies using human or animal excreta as the
> >raw material in remote highlands of the Mekong Water Shed Region ( Myanmar,
> >Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Provinces of Western China like Tibet,
> >Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi ). Present ones in use may succumb to SARS
> >epidemic threat.  One other factor is the use of local raw material for
> >building the equipment; indigenous wood and bamboo are plenty in that area.
> >
> >Any input would be appreciated........EONG

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