Hi Keith ;

--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Peter, you've misunderstood me. I didn't say and
> didn't mean that you 
> were angry.

Ok Keith, never mind this very minor thing. No problem
at all.

> Dealing with the forces that interfere with and
> manipulate human nature for 
> their own ends is a much less daunting challenge,
> more possible, more 
> achievable, than trying to change perceived inherent
> inadequacies in 
> human nature itself. 

Yes true, but the forces are formidable, well
organized, and clearly extend through multiple
generations.   Huge.  They can bring down the towers
in front of our eyes, kill 3,000 people,  and get away
with it.  Sobering.

> Nor will you find me labelling people as "negative"
> when they have 
> the courage to admit the existence of dark realities
> rather than 
> pretend about it - I said that. But there are better
> ways of dealing 
> with it, denial NOT included! (I think we mentioned
> the Titanic 
> previously, didn't we? We certainly agreed about
> that.)

I didn't mean to direct this at you at all.  I joke
like this with my friend many times when they raise
legitimate concerns about my high flying plans.  No
problem at all again.  LOL.

> Also, in both there being trouble ahead and in the
> changes needed for 
> betterment,there absolutely have to be many
> unforeseen factors that 
> you're not calculating for, nor can you calculate
> for them. 

Yes  true.

> It was so easy to smash it, if you just happened to
> control all the 
> resources and all the power. That has almost
> certainly changed, as 
> Gustl hinted. Now we have a situation where five
> ordinary folks with 
> a couple of computers and a telephone could bring
> the mighty Monsanto 
> to its knees. There's something new under the sun,
> for a change. Just 
> one battle, it's true (and they warned of that), but
> not the only 
> one, and instead of being nullified and swept aside
> as before, 
> there's a powerful multiplier effect at work - it
> spreads like a 
> fire, and there's no way of stopping it. Even the
> mainstream US press 
> has referred to the "Other Superpower":

Yes this effort to rein in Monsanto is outstanding and
commendable.  But I think we need to just agree to
differ on this point.  My humble opinion on this is
that our opponents are not stupid, in fact they are
brilliant strategists, the best there ever was or ever
will be, and some small victories for our cause can be
expected.  But GM crops are still flooding the market
and it is only the beginning.  Eventually the patent
enforcement that you see now will become widespread. 
Their plan is not static and they will act quickly to
eliminate the internet threat.  Internet censorship is
already a reality and I expect  it to get a lot worse.
 How?  The great game of Thesis, antithesis,
synthesis.   One example. Right now there are
criminals in jail on death row who have fan club
followings over the internet where they describe their
murders in great detail. This is understandably
painful for the victims families so they are clamoring
to have prisoners barred from internet access. Many
convicts, particularly internet fraud cases,  are
already barred from using the internet.   Don't people
realize that this power will eventually be used
against  you and me? It surely will.

My strategy is work diligently and never miss a chance
to make change for the better,  hope for the best, and
plan for the worst.  This is not suitable for

> Did you ever read this?
> http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/BIOFUEL/32840/
> Re: [biofuel] The Oil we eat (Harper's)
Yes I am quite very enthusiastic about integrated
agriculture for my project.  I visited with Dr.
Preston of UTA a few years ago in Cambodia about
attending some training classes and hiring some of his
graduates.   I still plan on doing this.

Hey I forgot Gustl and Peggy - Happy New Year to you

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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