Hi Peggy ;

I couldn't agree with you more.  I tracked down some
hand powered bicycle carts I gave to some handicapped
people in Cambodia, and one guy with one arm was using
it to bring goods across the border for about $2 per
day.  Imagine 1 arm powering this arm powered bicycle
cart.  He was working hard but he was STRONG.  I told
him he is hired as soon as my other big project gets
started.  I sit in front of my computer and type and
it shows!

I always asked myself WHY a couple like Tom Cruise and
Nikole Kidman can't keep it together.  I mean they are
both good looking, they have loads of money, yet it
doesn't work.  Then I see people with no money living
in grass shacks with one leg and they stay together. 
I believe it is a lot to do with a days work.

I heard a good anecdote once.  It went :
"People busy pulling on the oars are too busy to rock
the boat!"

I also don't forget that they don't have many options
either.  In some ways this is not always a bad thing.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

--- Peggy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In my humble opinion, sweating and
> a healthy diet can
> cure most of what ails a person and putting in a
> good days work
> eliminates many social needs.
> We have all been witnessing Kim's efforts to build
> her family,
> self-sustaining farm.  Many of these people have
> better land and
> excellent year-round growing conditions, but do not
> see a need to sweat,
> yet still want the "government" to assist in their
> health agenda.  As a
> consumer, I was a bit disappointed in the "good
> food" that is so well
> presented in the travel logs.  I love local markets
> and home grown food.
> It just wasn't to be found.  To me this means that
> the island is losing
> its soul.
> So I offer a toast to sweat!  And by-the-way, I have
> not missed a day of
> work in over thirty-five years due to illness.  As a
> dental hygienist, I
> work in a sea of germs all day long--including all
> the wonderful
> microbes found in my garden.  Health is more about
> beliefs than germs!
> Solution: Sweat.  It's good for you.
> Best wishes,
> Peggy
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