I think I stepped in something here. I don't agree 100% with Kens explanation. 
But, he does address how heat energy absorbed by the Earth can vary due to 
green house gasses.
I'm stepping away from this one if it turns confrontational. It's not worth the 
time and ENERGY and I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How can you proclaim "NOT TRUE" and then come back two sentences later and 
say to be true exactly what you declared to be "NOT TRUE?"

If you went back to the post, my statements only relay that just because 
someone says that they're freezing their tuckas off more than they ever have 
before at one geographic location doesn't mean that the world isn't warming. 
It also implies that the human tuckas is not much of an indicator of actual 
temperature. Nor is the barometer that rests on the shoulders of the person 
who relies on their tuckas as an absolute indicator.

Just because I don't choose to lay out a step-by-step, "Ned and the Primer" 
explanation of the total picture - both causes and effects - everytime a 
denialist raises his head doesn't mean that there is any lack of 
understanding of the mechanisms, contributors and consequences.

I take it you didn't go to the web addy that was provided in the post?
It made note of how one of the consequences of global warming could all too 
likely be global cooling.

Todd Swearingen

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Riznyk" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return,Warns 
Leading Climate Expert

> --- Appal Energy wrote:
>> Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
>> much heat per minute,
>> hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
>> that someone else has a
>> "hotter than normal."
> You statement shows that you do not understand the
> greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
> amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
> greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
> global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
> or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
> sun's radiation.

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