
<<Huge Snip>>
> Yes, VERY many! And I don't believe you're passive about it, and not
> without any effect. Your sister's not alone in wanting to leave, and
> certainly not to be blamed for it either (not that I could blame
> anyone for such a thing, with all my comings and goings for most of
> my life!). But think of what Hakan's just been telling Luc about how
> many other Iraqis one dead Iraqi will influence - one living American
> who feels strongly about these things, even if she moves to Europe,
> will influence just as many others: that's not to say convince,
> necessarily, but influence, sway, yes. And there are many millions of
> you.

That has me wondering how many people about the world the almost 3000 members of this List influence.

Well, this is what Hakan said:

If you look at behavioral statistics for the humans, the mathematics goes like this,

- On average a person will have and can manage around 10 very close relationship on the level of family and relatives. The 300,000 killed, represent 3 million who lost a family member, killed by US. If anyone killed members of your family, how good is the chance that you are more inclined to join the resistance, instead of giving the killers your "hearts and mind"?

- On average a person have around 30 close friends, with frequent contacts. The 300,00 killed, represent that around 9 million people lost a friend, killed by US. If anyone killed your friend, how good is the chance that you are more inclined to join the resistance, instead of giving the killers your "hearts and mind"?

- On average a person have around 60 people, that he/she know and have infrequent contacts with. The 300,000 killed, represent that around 18 million people knew someone killed by US. If anyone killed someone you knew, how good is the chance that you are more inclined to join the resistance, instead of giving the killers your "hearts and mind"?

If you only think about the above, almost all Iraqis have been touched by a killing performed by US ...

I'm sure Hakan's got it right, as usual.

I read once that if four people sat down together at a table, between them, and the people they knew, and the people *they* knew, and so on and on, they were connected with everyone in the world... and I could never figure out whether that was far-fetched or not.

Maybe not.

Change only takes a few, and they're always there and ready for it when the time comes, when the time is right society responds and is renewed.

Or as Margaret Mead said (and Toynbee, and Jung): "Never underestimate the power of a small group of individuals to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."

We can but hope.



Derek Hargis

> Best wishes
> Keith
> >robert luis rabello

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