Using "X" as shorthand for "cross" and by extension "Christ" is not
universally offensive among Christians.

I see it used for both X-tians and X-mas by other practicing Christians.

That this abbreviation offends your particular Christian cult is your
personal problem by your personal choice.  I think it's a definitive
example of one particular cult's extremism, or perhaps one cult member's
extremism.  That you chose not to use that particular abbreviation is
your personal business.  That you wish to impose a ban on it's use by
other folks who are not members of your particular little cult is
inappropriate IMHO.

I find your response rather amusing but all too much a double standard.. 
First of all, if the archives are any indicator, you spend a great deal
of time bashing your favorite sects du jour. 
Second of all, Ken Provost didn't bash christians. He did make note of
the type of "christians" who choose to misappropriate the power of
public office in pursuit of enforcing their theological ideology upon
>From this vantage point it is an apology owed by you for >jumping to
sweeping conclusions. How you came to them one >can only hazard to
guess, probably with a fair degree of >accuracy. You expect or demand
respect but don't exactly >reciprocate. Should others presume that this
too is a >tenant of your religion of choice? 
What? A person is allowed to have their opinion but they aren't allowed
to express it? What is it about such a double standard that sounds oh so
Bushwellian? You can hold your opinion, express it, but others are to be
denigrated for their opinion and expected to remain silent? 
If such truly is the case, then someone should take a moment to point
out your extreme form of hypocrisy. 
Why this should even have to be said is beyond me...almost. 
Todd Swearingen 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Legal Eagle" <abogado at> 
To: <biofuel at> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 5:07 PM 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Our Godless Constitution 
> G'day Ken; 
> Nice of you to denigrate CHRISTians like that . We are not >"X"
> thank you very much. Either learn some respect or please >keep your
crap to 
> yourself. You don't have to agree, but you don't get to >denigrate
> Someone had a whack at "sacred cows" a while back, you >should have
> from that. 
> Luc 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ken Provost" <provo at> 
> To: <biofuel at> 
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 11:34 PM 
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Our Godless Constitution 
>> on 2/14/05 6:38 PM, knoton at knoton at wrote: 
>>> Our Godless Constitution 
>>> [from the February 21, 2005 issue] 
>> A breath of fresh air -- thanks! Having been an 
>> unabashed atheist for 90% of my long life, it's 
>> great to know that my hero Tom Jefferson wasn't 
>> even a real Deist (as I've always been taught), 
>> much less an X-tian like our rulers would have you 
>> believe. 'Course Tom has almost been drummed out 
>> of the Founding Father's Klub already, and our 
>> Revolution has been renamed the War of Independ- 
>> ence for decades now...... 
>> -K 

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