It is worse than that
The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide
Laws in legislation which was passed by both houses.
Congress and the President of the United States,
George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd
Congress, that the United States of America was
founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and
that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from
the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that
the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which
civilization stands and that recent weakening of these
principles threaten the fabric of civilized society,
and that justified preoccupation in educating the
Citizens of the United States of America and future
generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public
Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day, U.S.A.

Noahide or Noachide law is actually Jewish although
some "Christians" apparently want to practice Judaism.

I'm afraid it will only get worse at least for a time.


--- knoton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dave,
> Bingo!  That's my read on it.  To be more specific,
> they want "THEIR
> god's law" (that god of Judaism and Christianity) to
> be the law of the
> land.
> You can google the same same criteria {dominionism
> and "christian
> reconstructionism"} as mentioned earlier, but
> specify "death penalty"
> and see what they intend to do with that ~both by
> expanding the list of
> crimes eligible, and the METHODs of execution to be
> employed.  The
> Constitution Restoration Act will PROHIBIT judicial
> review of these
> extremist goals.  Not even the U.S. Supreme Court
> will have
> jurisdiction.
> Try googling by specifying "Pat Robertson" to the
> before mentioned
> search criteria and see what you learn. 
> "Presbyterian" yields some
> interesting background, too.  Poke around enough and
> you'll find several
> people and orgs that you recognize.
> Where the Constitution Restoration Act may be
> specific to the United
> States, you'll soon learn that they do not intend to
> stop with just the
> United States.
> Demian
> ======================================
> I found the text of this act and some things about
> it.  Am I right in
> thinking that they are trying to make "god's law"
> part of our
> constitutional law? 
> -dave
> Knoton, 
> >Try googling the following: 
> > 
> >"Constitution Restoration Act" 
> > 
> >which was introduced in both houses of the U.S.
> Congress >one year ago 
> >this month.
> >                                 [1]kcom.gif
> References
>    1.
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