"Please do not Quote items form "THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS" I am one 
why does not like the EXTREME hog wast spewed by todays enviromentalist.  Have 
ever seen the area to be used for oil development. It is a vast frozen desert. Talk about the destruction of the environment sounds like the talk about the caribou
when the Alaska pipe line was built.  We now have MORE Caribou than before the
pipeline. Don't  make such wild accusations.  They are beginning to sound like
background noise." FArmer Paul/


Heeere's some more "EXTREME hog wast" for ya, FArmer Paul, from the US Fish & Wildlife Service(surely they must be incompetent scientists/conservationists.....as you so vehemently pointed out to us).

/"Although the population of caribou (Central Arctic herd) in the vicinity of North Slope oil fields increased in the early years of oil field development, the herd has declined since 1992. The Porcupine Caribou is expected to decrease in the face of 1002 Area development. There are fundamental differences between the calving areas of these two herds. In the case of the Central Arctic herd, there is a greater amount of alternative calving area available for displaced cows to move to because the mountains are much farther from the ocean. The 1002 Area is only one-fifth the size of the area used by the Central Arctic caribou herd, but six times as many caribou use the 1002 Area. In the Arctic Refuge, where the mountains are close to the coast, few alternative areas would be available for displaced cows. Therefore, development in the 1002 Area would result in: /

   * /reduction in the amount and quality of preferred forage available
     during and after calving, /
   * /restricted access to important coastal insect-relief habitats, /
   * /exposure of the herd to higher predation, and /
   * /alteration of an ancient migratory pattern, the effects of which
     we can not predict "/

/"Data from the Alaska Department of Conservation show that the Trans-Alaska and Prudhoe Bay oil fields have had an annual average of 409 spills since 1996 of everything from crude oil to acid. Current oil operations in Alaska's North Slope every year emit about 56,427 tons of nitrous oxides, which cause smog and acid rain, and release up to 110,000 tons of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming" (Boston Globe 2001). The Prudhoe Bay Complex also emits 11,400,000 metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere per year (Brooks et al. 1997). This amount is equivalent to the per capita emissions of approximately two million individuals in the United States."

"It is a vast frozen desert"

Thats too bad that your narrow-mindedness does not allow for life to thrive in an Arctic environment. Such an ignorant view is completely contrary to the truth.
Some more "hog wast"........

/"In fact, according to FWS, the Arctic Refuge coastal plain contains the greatest wildlife diversity of any protected area above the Arctic Circle." //"The caribou are by no means the only wildlife populations in the Arctic Refuge. The area's large mammals also include grizzly bears, polar bears, Dall sheep, wolves, moose, and a herd of rare muskoxen."/ /"The Arctic Refuge's coastal plain provides the most important land denning habitat for the Beaufort Sea polar bear population........"
//"135 species of birds are known to use the 1002 Area..."
//"About 250 muskoxen live year-round in the 1002 area of the Arctic Refuge..."/

You see FArmer Paul, conservationists and environmentalists are simply fighting to preserve that which SUPPORTS life; a healthy Earth. This is common sense. Why you aggressively disregard this, who knows? Do you not depend on clean air, water, and land for survival?



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