Thanks for the comments, but...


My longwinded two cents worth.

You can be as longwinded as you like.

Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?

No, in a word. This is not a biodiesel list, it's a biofuels list, and that's not just a quibble.

When you joined the list you were sent a "Welcome" message, which you're obliged to read. It referred to the List rules, which you're also obliged to read. The List rules are here:

They say this, among other things:

Some newcomers don't realize at first that it's a *biofuels* list, not just about how to make biodiesel. Biofuels is a much more wide-ranging subject and it comes with a context. With such an international membership, what has "nothing to do with biofuels" is a matter of opinion. Anything that has to do with energy has relevance for biofuels issues. Similarly, though the focus is on "ready-to-use" technologies, discussion of all alternative energy technologies and topics is welcome. ("Free energy" scams might not be very welcome.) [But they're not banned - K]

So the discussion is free and open. That is a long-established tradition of the list, much discussed and endorsed by the majority of the list membership. There aren't a lot of rules, but that is one of them: no calls for restricted discussion. It's a discussion list, not a less-discussion list.

That said, the Biofuel list is also a very good place to learn how to make and use biodiesel, with about the best resources there are and many experienced biodieselers who are happy to help.

That rule is stricty enforced. Saying something like "Can we now get back to Bio Diesel!?!?" could get you booted and banned.

Anyway, there's plenty of room for everything, nobody is forcing you to read anything you don't want to read. Messages have subject-headers. Technical discussions on direct biofuels issues continue all the time. If what you want to discuss is not being discussed, then start your own thread. If you find that other people's posts that you are not interested in are hampering you then you need to improve your email skills. See:

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


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