
You say:

> I've always wondered why the mainstream religions are inevitably
> amongst the last to put some of their own principles into action
> when it comes to --------"
IYou cite "environmental stewardship."   Substitute instead, "belief that 
Jesus is the Christ the Son of God."   Or, substitute instead almost 
anything, because there is a spiritual law,  (I Thes 2:10-11),  referring 
specifically to the belief that Jesus is Christ the Son of God, but which 
applies generally,  saying "---because they refused to believe the truth -- 
God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe a lie and be 
condemned ---."  Isaiah refers to this,. as John says,  "which explains why 
they could not believe" ( John 12) which is a specific quote ffrom the book 
of Isaiah).:  For as Isaiah continues,  "He has blinded their eyes and dulled 
their minds, lest they should see with their eyes, and perceive with their 
minds, and turn to me to heal them.  Isaiah said this because he saw his 
glory and spoke about him (Christ),"  ---  so John quotes from Isiah.       

The Spiritual answer to your statement wondering "why the mainstream 
religious are inevitably amongst the last to put some of their own principles 
into action," is  therefore that for anyone who refuses to believe the truth, 
God will send them a strong delusion.that they believe a lie.  From the 
context this would apply whether to environmental considerations (which 
appear to be your predominant concern), or whether that Jesus was the Christ 
the Son of God, which is the main emphasis here, or as well to  other things. 

And, the "mainstream religions," to which you refer, at Christ's time were 
the Saducees and the Pharisees.  They, including the Sanhedrin of which Saul 
(later the Apostle Paul) was a member were all deluded at that time.  All of 
whom, Peter declared in Acts 5:30 "whom you have killed by hanging him on a 
tree."  Though he said later, "I wot that in ignorance ye did it."  The 
mainstream leaders of that day, those who were the most aware of the Old 
Testament scriptures describing and predicting in some detail the coming of 
Chrst,  being those who ought to have recognized him, were deluded to the 
extent they didn't recognize him, whereas the Jewish people, who were not 
part of this relgious heirarchy and were not so aware of the Old Testament 
scriptures, were totally convinced that this was the Chhist whom they had 
kiulled, and so they cried out , "Men and brethren what shall we do."  

Your criticism of the "mainstream religious" heirarrchy today is therefore, 
to say the least, not to be unexpected.  So it has been throughout recent 
history.   Read Soren Kirkegaard's "Attack upon Christendom," an account of 
the religious hypocracy existing in Denmark at the time among the Lutheran  
clergy.  Or Tolstoy's religious writings and criticism of the Russian clerics 
of his day..  It was to the common man that Tolstoy turned when he sought 
wisdom for making his personal decisions..   He had no confidence in the 
Russian clerics of his day. 

 So, don't criticize Christianity, some of which principles you have quoted 
and claimed for guidance.  Criticize instead  the heirarchy of "Christendom," 
 those Christian leaders who "say and do not."    .

Additionally, in partial explanation for some of  the otherwise unexplainable 
energy decisions that complicate our lives today, here is  a quote from 
Thomas Sowell:    

"Politicians are seldom willing to solve any problem by simply stopping what 
they have been doing to create the problem.   Instead, they come up with new 
programs that ignore the real cause." 

 In so doing, the key KISS principle sometimes espoused on this listing, is 
being violated .  

So, again,  I am not totally in disagreement with you.  There are a number of 
things you espouse with which I agree,  though, apparently,  we have some 
different interpretations. 

Glenn Ellis   

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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