Hello Richard

Nitrogen-fixing trees.  Nitrogen, is that part of soil nutrients?

Yes, the main one. Allegedly. There's a better case for calcium though. Soil nutrients aren't quite the same as plant nutrients, though they should be - "feed the soil, not the plant". The gospel of chemical farming, the "NPK mentality", is that all you have to do is replace the chemicals the previous crop removed from the soil, and all it takes is the the six "macronutrients", nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur. Originally just the first three were considered important, N, P, and K. There's also a small but growing concern about the 40-odd "micronutrients". Actually the "law of the little bit" makes the really important nutrient the one that isn't there, whether macro or micro. No need to worry about them if your humus management is good. Nature's humus management is always good, of course. Nitrogen provides itself, via the steady breakdown of soil organic matter, and direct from the inexhaustible supplies in the atmosphere, via the action of free-living nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria such as Azotobacter and the bacteria colonising the root nodules of nitrogen-fixing trees and other legumes.

Best wishes


<http://agroforestry.net/overstory/overstory4.html>http://agroforestr y.net/overstory/overstory4.html


>Trees are renewable and the lumber industry now

replants more trees than it takes.<

The only problem with repanting trees, period, that i'm shocked no one has mentioned (unless i missed it), is that the earth in a particular area can only support 4-5 generations of trees before the soil is completely exhausted. Trees take more nutrients out of the soil to grow than just about anything else, and after several generations they will NOT grow any longer. So yeah, replanting after clear cutting is nice and all, but after a few times at the the soil stops growing... anyhting...


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