Hi Brian,
You are fortunate to have walking encyclopedia in your dad. Nurture him well.

Thank you too Manick. Yes, my Dad stills gets around on the ranch. We are grateful that his health is holding and truth is I am kind of hoping that I look that good when and if I live to be 87 years old.
pressurised SO3 being a gas would mix better than LIQUID, without heavy milling machine.

Great now you are really going where I want to go. In Las Vegas NM (where our PC repair shop is) last week I talked to an environmentalist at Highlands University who is among other things, working on a big problem here in the SW USA, an over abundance of small diameter trees choking the forest and creating a wildfire hazard like never before.

He was saying that USDA Forests Products Laboratory has an ultra expensive portable device capable of using forest waste products, like wood chips to convert it to some type of fuel. Sorry to be so vague but as soon as I heard the price tag of this magic box I barely gave it another thought. What I passionately believe is regular people need workable methods (within their means) to produce at least some part of their own fuel.

 Thanks very much for "been there done that" compliment. It will keep me going in good spirit.

This is a very important point. "going in good spirit." This is almost as important to me as the final results of whatever process I decide to experiment with. I am not talking about looking up exercise on the Internet as a viable process to lose weight. We do need to research what we are going to try and nobody that I am aware is capable of producing energy with less than fantastic enthusiasm. How do we get this “ENTHUSIASM?”  This is the main reason I joined this group and I want to thank everyone for giving me back some of my enthusiasm.


Right now I am in the process of building a brand new workshop at the ranch. It would be easy to lose sight of my goal as I toil away digging ditches and building concrete foundations. In the end I know I will again be able to design, experiment and build my own energy saving and energy creating devices at my home for my home and cars.

I have prepared creosote and wood tars as rubber plasticizers, giving excellent energy damping properties. This I did by cooking by slow pyrolysis of the wood up to 500C in a drum fitted with condenser. Products: charcoal (30%), tar (7%), acetic acid (6%),methanol (1.5%), wood gas ( 25%), the rest being water. The tar dissoles in caustic soda NaOH and is easily applied to wood for protection against termites. Acetic acid can be recovered from water phase by proper solvent and distllation. Methanol is easily separated from water phase by fractional ditillation. It is like ethanol in properties and could be used as auto fuel. Although I worked with Malaysian hardwoods there is plenty of similar data/literature on softwoods like pine. I think you can definitely put these ideas to work Brian. Good luck!


I definitely want to try some of these things. One in particular is the gasification of wood. I recently seeded a group at our local Tech school with information from the Journey to Forever web site. The students were amazed that a car or tractor can be run from a wood fire! One group started a club called alternative fuel vehicles. It is very encouraging to see the youth of my town take an interest in these topics. While I attended the local university working on my degree in electronics I designed the accelerator electronics for the school’s electric car experiment, this was back in the eighties. Boy they have come a long ways in going back to old tech. LOL    

Brian Rodgers

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