
As you often do, you have over-reacted here.

Most BD'ers on this list admit to their limited knowledge and
skills when they join the list. They then get a certain amount
of advice from web sources and start to build.  Have you noticed
that no two processors are alike?  We all have access to different
materials and try to mix and match to approximate the prototype.
Alternatively, we think or know where an improvement can be included.
So the processors evolve either by serendipity, accident or design.

also see in-line comments.

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 09:14:47 -0400, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Ray(pl)

Ray J

I would agree with your visual acuity.  However, the key to any
chemical lab work is that the worker is not to be exposed to the
process fumes.  It is air pollution in concentrated form.  Not to
be disrespectful, but you are viewing the low-budget handiwork of
untrained mechanics (for the most part).  If there are any who made
such displays in spite of being professionals then they should be

With all due respect, DIY handiworkers are not necessarily either dumb or hamfisted,

I did not say nor suggest that they were either dumb or hamfisted

they can be very skilled and often are,

I did not say or suggest that they could not be


Please don't try to undo it. A false sense of helplessness and dependence, deliberately promoted by the powers-that-be, and the grievous deskilling and diseducation that have accompanied it, are a major barrier standing between humans and their rightful future.

I was not trying to undo anything, I was simply admonishing Ray J
to avoid the fumes by using closed and vented processors and wash
tanks, and to keep in mind that these sites are populated, for the
most part, by well intentioned, but not necessarily appropriately
educated people.  The grand sum of knowledge in the group is
probably way more than that required to make biodeisel successfully.

Those individuals who have all the training and knowledge required
to innovate in the field are doing just that, for their own or other
companies, and for the most part they are not sharing.

Especially harmful are the methanol and methoxide (methanol and
sodium hydroxide combined).

Yes they're harmful, but they're probably not as harmful as you're making out, and THEY'RE EASILY AVOIDED -

Ray J, the original poster here, stated that when he transfered
the BD to his wash tank he was exposed to choking irritating fumes.
You 'believe' that 'probably' the exposure was too small to worry about.
I dissagree.  The actual dosage in the nose and lungs can be quite high
and will only be diluted as it disolves in the fluids of the body, but
in the nose, throat and lungs damage can be done.

as has been pointed out here and elsewhere by many people, including me, again, yesterday, in this thread, here: 5-August/002755.html
[Biofuel] Re: emulsion wash test

Best wishes


I think (hope) that the pics you see
of open wash tanks are (and should be labelled) for graphic
demonstration only.

I believe that the first and second washes should be in closed/vented
systems for sure, when methanol and methoxide residuals are a
definite threat.  The drying step should be relatively innocuous
and is much easier in an open container.


On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 17:50:04 -0400, Ray J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thats funny, i have been studying biodiesel processors on the net for over a year now and dont think i have hardly ever seen a sealed wash tank... in fact most i see are open top drums....


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