You say that it's not that simple yet, you generalize by pointing to a mixed group of people and take a position against "them", saying that "they" don't help themselves and shoot at rescue workers.
Oversimplified - Hell Yes!
Who are "they" and how do you know the circumstances of each person and what "their" motivations are?
"I've never seen any disaster before where the victims refused to pitch in, shot at rescue workers and in general made their own relief more difficult."
That's right! They're all suicide drowners! Wait, that doesn't sound right. How about suicide starvers, out to send a message but, those rescuing infidels just won't give up!

In a message dated 9/1/2005 5:16:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm sure that there is a percentage of people who have exercised poor judgment. Who hasn't exercised poor judgment? The irony here is how you express less sympathy as the suffering from those mistakes gets worse.
The issue isn't quite that simple.
These people aren't doing anything to help themselves.
They are shooting at the rescue workers, setting fires, massive looting.
More security being sent in means less resources for the relief.
Yet security is the issue these people have forced to the front of the list.
I also don't have any sympathy for people who refuse to help themselves and do their best to interfere with those who are trying to help them.
To shoot at someone trying to help another, just because it isn't you is pretty horrible.
If you want to get help for yourself and your family, pitch in and help out. Speed up the rescue and assistance for those in more need and your turn comes faster.
I've never seen any disaster before where the victims refused to pitch in, shot at rescue workers and in general made their own relief more difficult.
In the hurricane damage in Florida, the day after people were getting out and about, cleaning up (particularly the roads) and making repairs and doing what ever they could for each other and making things easier for the relief to get thru.
I was in the Earthquake in San Francisco, and immediately after it settled, we were doing the same thing. Helping each other and cleaning up and making ourselves easy to help.
These people are not following the pattern and I don't have any sympathy for them either.
Relief buses are very, very late because the roads are blocked. Fine, get out and help clear the roads. No food being distributed, fine get a hold of someone in charge and volunteer to lead your fellows to do the work. If relief isn't timely because it takes large teams to do the work of one person simply for security's sake, then relief simply isn't going to be timely or efficient.
These people don't get my sympathy either, they horrify me.
I thought that the majority of the people on a list like this one would be very much into doing for yourself, not waiting around depending on others to rescue us from the dinodiesel (I love that word, thanks to who ever used it) problems. People who step right up and do what needs to be done. People who help each other not from charity or empathy but from the desire to propagate the ideas and energy of "do-it-yourself".
Therefore, I find his attitude quite logical.
I'm a newbie though, what do I know.
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