In captions on news photos of Orleans:
        White people who were carrying boxes were 'scavenging'.
        Black people who were carrying boxes were 'looting'.

Both the white scavengers and the black looters were collecting stuff 
that was certain to be a complete write-off for whomever owned it 
before. Who cares if a wet TV ends up in someone's new cardboard home?

Robert Heinlein (I think) once said, "The punishment for stupidity is 
death". If you're seeking consumer electronics instead of water, food, 
and medicine, the Darwin effect is sure to get you.

When some poor fool gets caught with a few joints, more than once, we 
toss him in prison for a long mandatory sentence, often evicting some 
rapist or murderer who wasn't  mandatorily sentenced.
When some rich fool gets caught defrauding 300 million people, we 
re-elect him.

Ok, that's my rant for the evening, g'night all.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 10:57 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kim,
> You and Greg are not the only ones who feel that way.  I am just 
> getting
> caught up on the day's email, and I found that I agree more with you 
> two
> that most of the others on this particular topic.  If I lived in a
> disaster-prone area, like Southern Louisiana, Florida, Southern 
> California
> or even Seattle/Tacoma area, I would certainly prepare for the worst.
> I also do not condemn the people who attempted to help themselves.  In 
> fact,
> I do feel sorry for those souls who did evacuate (or tried to) and now 
> do
> not know where their homes are still standing or have been stripped 
> clean by
> selfish looters.  I would gladly open my home to someone in that 
> situation,
> whether I knew them well or not.
> For those who stayed behind against the warnings of the weather experts
> (including the non-governmental ones), state and local governments, 
> don't
> worry, the Fed's will come in and bail you out as they always do.  I 
> just
> hope that the local police get a copy of the news tapes showing the 
> faces of
> those looters carrying TVs & DVD players out of the abandoned stores.  
> What
> do you need a TV for when the power is expected to be out for weeks or
> months?  It would be nice to see some prosecuted.
> Thanks,
> Earl Kinsley
> ----------------------------------
> "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible 
> government
> owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. 
> To
> destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance 
> between
> corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the 
> statesmen of
> today."
>  - President Theodore Roosevelt - 1906
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Garth & Kim Travis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 7:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?
>> Greetings,
>> I am wondering, are Greg and I the only ones that feel frustration 
>> with
>> people who don't care about their lives, then expect someone else to 
>> pick
>> up the pieces?
>> Greg has not condemned anyone who tried to help themselves, just 
>> those who
>> don't.  I can remember my parents being irate with a neighbor when we 
>> were
>> growing up for the same kind of behavior.  There was a broken water 
>> main
>> and it flooded the basements of the houses.  The one guy on the street
>> that
>> was always bragging about his new toys, was the one that didn't have 
>> the
>> money to fix his house, because he didn't pay his insurance premiums. 
>>  I
>> mean, who expects a flood in Calgary, Alberta, Canada?  I am afraid 
>> they
>> were not very polite when someone came canvassing for money to help 
>> the
>> guy.
>> How about:  God helps those who help themselves?
>> I don't see that a rant against people who have endangered themselves 
>> and
>> others is out of line.
>> And yes, I have already donated help and I am working on more for the
>> people of Louisianna.
>> Bright Blessings,
>> Kim
>> At 03:54 PM 9/1/2005, you wrote:
>>> I'm sure that there is a percentage of people who have exercised poor
>>> judgment. Who hasn't exercised poor judgment? The irony here is how 
>>> you
>>> express less sympathy as the suffering from those mistakes gets 
>>> worse.
>>> Mike

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