Hi, Robert:

robert luis rabello wrote:
>       It's illegal for individuals to distill ethanol in Canada.  Sorry to 
> burst your bubble, but I've looked into this and if I could have 
> obtained a permit, I would have done so already.  Ethanol would be a 
> wonderful fuel for a little hot rod truck like mine!

Distillation of ethanol is regulated (federally) by the Excise Act, 2001.

Here are the relevant sections:

Article 14 states:

14. (1) Subject to the regulations, on application, the Minister may
issue to a person

(a) a spirits licence, authorizing the person to produce or package spirits;

(b) a wine licence, authorizing the person to produce or package wine;

(c) a user's licence, authorizing the person to use bulk alcohol or
non-duty-paid packaged alcohol;

(d) a tobacco licence, authorizing the person to manufacture tobacco
products; or

(e) a tobacco dealer's licence, authorizing the person to carry on the
activity of a tobacco dealer.

Articles 17 and 18 elaborate:

17. Subject to the regulations, on application, the Minister may issue
an alcohol registration to a person authorizing the person to store or
transport bulk alcohol or specially denatured alcohol.

SDA registration

18. (1) Subject to the regulations, on application, the Minister may
issue a specially denatured alcohol registration to a person authorizing
the person to possess and use specially denatured alcohol.

Restrictions on grades of SDA

(2) The Minister may impose restrictions on the use of particular grades
of specially denatured alcohol.

Article 61:

Possession of a still

61. No person shall possess a still or other equipment suitable for the
production of spirits with the intent of producing spirits unless the person

(a) is a spirits licensee; or

(b) has a pending application for a spirits licence.

The excise regulations regulate ethanol fuels and specially denatured
alcohols (usually used for fuel), but there's no prohibition. There's no
mention of the operation of a still in the legislation itself; I imagine
that's handled in the regulations (I'm going to get a copy of them).

I would encourage you to look into applying for an excise permit. Others
have done it. There's nothing illegal about it if you follow the rules.


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