Lol, Todd, I think you're projecting everything that's wrong w/ american mass commercialism onto one uhm..."sport?" I'm not a race fan, don't get me wrong, and I see your point regarding the infinite paradox of american government, but I think quite quickly we could pass the same judgement on probably 90% of all products offered towards the 3-35 age bracket.

I mean, soccer is great, but lots of very nice soccer balls are made by some very unfortunate children in Nigeria.

Americans love clothes, too bad we don't love the Bangladeshi folks who make them:

Dogs are great, but apparently we like skinning them for profit:

And don't even get me started on all the illegal things we do w/ our telecommunications bounty that would possibly put us in line for a wiretap (online poker, anyone?), but simply enough this message will probably be quickly overviewed by echelon, predator, or carnive before you even read it. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN....

Good point though. :)

On 12/24/05, Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not the racing vehicles themselves that are so polluting as it is
the balance of the industry.

Think about all the billions of miles logged by race fans to go see
their superheros every race weekend or bubblegum card signing. Think
about all the millions of metric tons of cheap plastic crap,
u-h-h-h-e-m-m-m, "memorabilia," that is cranked out for consumers to
adorn their environs with. Think about all the energy used to mine and
manufacture all that crap. Then think about all the energy used to
transport it. Then think about all the energy consumed to go purchase it
or is used in all the other supportive sectors of that industry.

Tired of thinking yet? The energy equation goes far beyond how many
gallons get churned up by a bevy of bubbas every weekend.

So you see, supporting racing supports fossil fuel consumption, which in
turn increases the United States #1 export - cash in the form of petrol
dollars. And many of those petrol-dollars help fund endeavors that are
counter to the best interests of the US.

All that makes racing a rather unpatriotic and un-American endeavor.
Pursuing such folly in turn makes a race fan candidate for NSA
monitoring and perhaps eventual internment as an enemy combatant,
thereby having no recourse, legal or otherwise, but to rot in the musty
dungeons of the super riche until one's flesh rots off while they enjoy
daily tea and crumpets on the ninth fairway.

No better reason not to wear a baseball cap with a number on it if you
ask me.

Todd Swearingen

Happy Humbug... :-)


>Well I am not against racing, but my point is if these researchers look
>at the racing starting from F1 down to Nascar the picture is not rosy.
>As you have written in your e-mail F1 team burns a lot (200.000lt per year
>per team).  So if you add them all its more than a drop in the bucket.
>Let's hope that the technology developped in those races reflects to the
>daily cars.
>If you consider that bikes are 4 strokes, fuel injected and have catalytic
>converters, they can be a good solution to help with clogging cities and
>air pollution.
>I believe the better solution in the big cities would be public
>transportation, and electric vehicles.  Lets hope they would also research
>the effect of using biofuel in busses as public transportation.
>>Burak_l wrote:
>>>And finally I hope they do not research how much is waisted in car races
>>>like formula-1, Lemans endurance etc...
>>>Those machines are loud and very very thirsty.  Probabily one of them
>>>1 race pollutes more than a typical rider
>>>can manage whole year.
>>With regard to racing, it isn't that black and white.
>>First, you seem to be conflating wasting resources (eg burning lots of
>>fuel) with the amount of pollution produced. They aren't necessarily the
>>same thing. You can burn 10 liters dirtily or you can burn 100 liters
>>cleanly - they are different issues.
>>Second, even if a single team in a single race uses more fuel or
>>pollutes more that a single private individual in an entire year, you're
>>still comparing (for F1) 10 teams (2 cars each) by 19 races to millions
>>of riders/drivers every day over the course of a year. You're talking
>>about a drop in the bucket.
>>On the plus side, racing drives innovation. Consider the FSI engine
>>technology Audi developed for the their R8 LMP (LeMans Prototype) car.
>>Now you can buy lean burning FSI powered cars at Audi dealers.
>>Likewise, the brand new Audi R10 LMP has a V12 TDI powerplant that gets
>>over a 100 hp per liter. That kind of performance out of reliable diesel
>>is amazing. An I expect those advances in diesel technology will show up
>>in VW and Audi dealerships within 5 or 6 years.
>>Racing also has the ability to prove to people that renewables aren't
>>just some crunchy granola lefty tree-hugger pipedream. Demonstrating
>>that renewables can perform is critical in the PR battle with the oil
>>For example, the IndyRacingLeague - and thus by default, the Indy500 -
>>is switching from methanol to renewable ethanol for the 2007 season.
>>That's a huge win for renewables.
>>As mentioned above, the Audi factory team is running a diesel powered
>>LMP in ALMS this year, although I suspect Audi will be using
>>petrodiesel, at least to start. However, that won't be the only diesel
>>in ALMS this season - D1 Oils plc is sponsoring a biodiesel powered Lola
>>LMP that will run b5, b20 and b50 blends.
>>But yes, on the negative side, racing does waste resources. According to
>>, "During a typical season a Formula One team will use
>>over 200,000 litres of fuel for testing and racing." That's a lotta fuel.
>>And don't get me started about the the fact that NASCAR still uses
>>leaded gasoline.
>>Still, I think you're throwing the baby out with the bath water and
>>having an emotional reaction to a study you don't like.
>>Small displacement motorcycles don't burn cleanly and pollute a lot.
>>Acknowledge that fact and move on with your life. Don't try to justify
>>it by pointing fingers at someone else. That's just childish.
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