I don't like the flimsy excuse give by that Telecom guy "why should they use
our pipes for free".

Does anybody really think that they are not charging somebody for the use of
their fibers and wires?  Obviously they just want more for it.

If my internet starts getting any more expensive, I will opt out of so many
things.  These mail lists will get pruned and stick with daily digests.  If
companies like the Walmarts of the world don't compensate for me
looking/shopping on their site, then I won't pay extra to do it.

The whole concept stinks.

My 2 cents

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Keith Addison
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 12:54 PM
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The End of the Internet

Seems to me I've been reading stories like this for at least 10
years. It keeps upping the ante each time but nothing much seems to
happen. Except that the Internet keeps growing and spreading and
getting faster and better and ever more firmly rooted in all our
societies. How much of this stuff could they make stick without
running afoul of international agreements or stirring up
international opposition? Let alone world opposition? Isn't it all
just a hacker-magnet anyway? Would you include the hacker community
in the Second Superpower? (Or do they all work for the CIA these



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