There is something about that word that makes me uncomfortable. We've been in the process of "temporary sustainability" [paraphrase] for at least thirty years. There is nothing temporary about it.
My interpretation of this philosophy is that "temporary" is simply an extension through which the rich will get richer and the date on which governments decide to get serious is pushed further into the future.
Temporary means a delay of sustainable fuel development and the environmental impact of that delay is not something we can afford.
If you want to promote sustainability, incrementally replace diminishing supplies of oil with ethanol and other agriculturally based fuel while broadening the search for more sustainable energy technologies. Instead, those potential funds are being used to drill wells and dig mines.
What better place than here?
What better time than now?

Paul S Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In addition, if you look at the world coal reserves,
link here: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/coal.html

The top 5 are:
1 US
2 Russia
3 China
4 India
5 Australia

On 4/26/06, bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> like it or not, that is the most likely pathway to temporarily sustain
> the unsustainable. The governor of Montana is currently touting coal
> liquification (and throwing in "clean coal" buzz words all the while),
> ethanol plants utilize coal for process, thereby indirectly converting
> coal to liquids.

I agree, Bob. The countries consuming the most are the ones that
would benefit the most from CTL technologies.

> the environment be damned, full speed ahead.
> Jason & Katie wrote:
> > i'd be happy to buy a diesel, but no way in hell will it run on coal-base.
> >
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