Whatever "we" may "be" to "them," who what when where why and how I am to myself is what matters most, not just to me, but to everyone else too.  So whatever else I might say is really for me, and you can read it if you want or not, it doesn't matter, unless it does to you.  For myself, I'm accepting my hamsterhood, but not as a mindless hamster.  I'm a hamster that knows he's a hamster.  As such, I'm asking myself how can I best position myself and my most immediate loved ones for what's coming to the extent that I can know what's coming.  Every piece of information, every opinion, every whatever that comes to my attention, I try to receive and process as an answer to my question of how do I position myself for what's coming.  But that question is within a context: given I'd like to maintain some semblance of what is to me a relatively basic lifestyle (which isn't basic at all considering I have running tap water, an indoor toilet that runs to a sewer [that runs to where I choose not to think about], lights (and various applicances), cable lines for my TV and internet access, and I haven't even walked outside to my garage), I guess the answer begins with an answer to the question, How can I position myself?  Factor in how much will be decided for me., and I'm not sure what it is I'm really left with.  Will I need bars on my windows?  Shall I plan on waiting in line for long hours for a grain of rice?  Will I be reduced to absolute hamsterdom?  I'm going for a walk.  Mike DuPree
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] {Disarmed} Telegraph - US "could be going bankrupt"

"they" understand this better than most of us and I assure you the crash of the dollar will be an opportunity to them. They will purchase real assets for pennies. "They" steal it all back so they can then sell it back to us for another generations labor. We are hamsters or "coppertops". A consumable.

Jason& Katie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
if the us government admits it is bankrupt, the dollar will be bunk. noone
will want it, or if they do accept it, the exchange rate will be horrifying,
all those millions of dollars "they" have squirreled away will be worth
tens, maybe hundreds if they are lucky. all of this because noone has any
reason to come to us other than to exploit our weakness, as we have to
others for so long. "made in america" will be equivalent to what "Made in
Japan" meant sixty years ago. well be making cocktail umbrellas for less
than minimum wage because we have no other option. cities will bcome rattier
and even more degenerate than they are, and there will most likely be food
riots, and street battles between the authorities and civilian dissidents.
think about every high power that has ever fallen face first, and what
happened in the aftermath. it wont be pretty. as for people in the cities
they have alternatives, they just dont use them wether through not knowing
or just plain stupidity, mostly because they wont approach anyone to ask
them. the elderly and the young will most likely be helped by their families
and friends either through love or common decency.

ICQ#: 154998177
----- Original Message -----
From: Kirk McLoren
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] {Disarmed} Telegraph - US "could be going bankrupt"

A lot of things have to stay functional. Power, roads, fuel, water and food
to name a few. People who live in cities have few alternatives. Also elderly
and very young.
The bulk of the suffering will be borne by the poor - the corporate and
governmental psychopaths have the money to go elsewhere to their villas.


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