yeah, he seems to have no idea how steam turbine cycles engines work.  Pretty much the same regardless of how the heat is generated.  I believe nuclear plants are a little less efficient due to operating at a lower temperature, but aside from that, the same.  Around there they usually use cooling ponds instead of towers, since we can't afford to use that much water up.

On 8/18/06, bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howdy Kirk, I scanned the first part of the article and to be honest
found it lacking.  The author either doesn't edit or hasn't a clue
about power plant functioning, cooling requirements or capacity.

" These gigantic structures were atomic style cooling towers usually
only seen at nuclear power plants where they guard the reactors as the
Sphinx guards the great Pyramids. What were these conical structures
doing in Foul Rift? I had never heard of nuclear plants in Western New
Jersey. Something was completely out of place!..."

there is no such thing as an "atomic style cooling tower" any heat
engine requires cooling, and coal fired plants use exactly the same
type of cooling tower.

"Normally two cooling towers would represent the presence of two
reactors with a combined capacity of at least ten megawatts. What
practical use were there for cooling towers if it was a coal fired plant?"

umh, your average nuclear power reactor is some two orders of
magnitude greater- usually in the ball park of 1000 Megawatts per
reactor, not 5

"All fossil fuel boilers including the hot water heater in your house
have safety valves on them which are designed to open and vent any
excess pressure into the air. When they open, both pressure and
temperature inside the boiler rapidly decrease preventing the unit
from blowing up . Since conventional plants only release steam (water
vapour) into the air the venting is harmless. Here we have instant
venting and fast shut down so there is no need to provide for much
reserve cooling. To the best of my knowledge nuclear style cooling
towers on a fossil fuel power plant are completely unnecessary.

They are used only in conjunction with high capacity atomic reactors
which frequently need to safely spill off tremendous amounts of excess
heat. The fission process by which the heat is created is measured in
micro-seconds. A neutron hits an atoms nucleus and fissions it
creating heat, another element and giving off more neutrons..."

This is just plain silly

Kirk McLoren wrote:
>  In one man's opinion, I think that the Martin's Creek plant may just be
> the tip of the ice berg.
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Bob Allen,
The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG

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