howdy Johnathan ( you better sit down)

Jonathan Hardin wrote:
> Actually Terry I think you ment that Kirk was right.   Herbs are 
> produced by plants which, for the most part have a comparitively similar 
> biological system (we have 50% the same DNA as a Bananna).  That is they 
> produce only one of the two isomers (L instead of both D and L like you 
> would normally get in a lab).   The D isomer is 'usually' the one that 
> causes problems. 

no disrespect but nonsense. D and L are terms which relate to the 
stereochemistry of something only by proxy. (It is a long story)

  The morning sickness pill back in the 70's I think it
> was. 

  I do: thalidomide, and it is a nonissue because under physiological 
conditions, the good (or bad) form racemises  to the bad (or good)- in 
this case. But this is just one case.

  Can't remember its name off the top of my head.  The one that
> caused all the birth defects; the birth defects were caused by one 
> isomer, the morning sickness was cured by the other.   The only 
> difference between the two?   A hydrogen atom faced a different 
> direction on one as compaired to the other.    Isolate the isomer that 
> helps with morning sickness and you don't get the birth defects.     
> That said, it is very expensive to seperate isomers, so the drug 
> companies, and the FDA by implication let them stay in their mixture 
> unless the side effects (usually caused by one of the isomers)

this is too general to have any real substantial meaning.  I could 
type all day with expect ions to your generalizations.

  is too
> severe and the benefits of the pill too great.  Then the drug companies 
> will spend the time and money to isolate the right isomer and make a 
> pill with a pure form of it.     It comes down to money, and a public 
> who isn't informed about this.   If the public refused to buy any drug 
> that wasn't in a pure (non-racemic) form I'm sure that you'd find the 
> drug companies scrambling to make pure forms of the drugs. 

Again I am not trying to be mean spirited, but you know just enough to 
really confuse people

  It would
> suddenly be in the best interest of their pocket-books.
> That said, sometimes herbs can produce chemicals our bodys don't like, 
> but, those are usually poisions, so we don't usually take them.   
> "Natural" isn't necessarily "safer" it's just, for the most part, a more 
> pure, or less harsh form of something. 

this doesn't mean much of a thing in a chemical or physiological 
sense.  Take ephedra for example, low doses to some folks fine, low 
doses with comprised cardiovascular system deadly.

   Many of the drugs are based off
> of the mechanisms of how the plants work, but it's the racemic mixture 
> of isomers that causes the side effects.  
> Money makes the world go round...

yes, good money is paid to people to really understand this stuff. 
sorry if I sound harsh.

> Jonathan Hardin
> On 9/19/06, *Terry Dyck* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi Bob,
>     Joe is right; herbs are better than synthetic drugs for the simple
>     reason
>     that you just mentioned, drugs have side effects.  Herbs are
>     actually foods.
>       It is only confusing because our modern day society has put herbs into
>     capsules.  Originally herbs were only eaten just as we eat
>     vegetables. Herbs
>     do work but people have to be patient and they have to know about
>     the whole
>     part of healing; such as eliminating junk foods, exercise, stress
>     elimination, promoting a strong immune system, etc.
>     I believe it was Hippocrites who wrote:  Let food be your medicine
>     Terry Dyck
>      >From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>      >Reply-To:
>     <>
>      >To: <>
>      >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
>      >Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 16:18:35 -0500
>      >
>      >Howdy Joe, Mike, et al
>      >
>      >Joe Street wrote:
>      > > Hi Mike;
>      > >
>      > > There is a part of me ( the part I like to think is wise) that
>     tends to
>      > > trust what comes out of mother nature's laboratory much more
>     than the
>      > > industrial product. This is why I use butter not margarine.
>      >
>      >better the devil you know than the devil you don't know? (butter,
>      >saturated fat and cholesterol vs margarine, trans fats)
>      >
>      >This is why
>      > > I prefer herbs over medicines
>      >
>      >most medicines are herbs, or modeled after them and are purer and more
>      >predictable, with known side effects, at least after time to
>      >accumulate statistically relevant data.   The problems with herbs
>     as I
>      >see it is two fold- frequently there is a lack of proven efficacy and
>      >secondly, dosage is unclear.  Amounts of efficacious agents varies
>      >from species to species and even plant to plant depending on
>     where/how
>      >it is grown.
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >   and organic foods over factory.
>      >
>      >agreed, with the exception of "factory Organic"  ala recent
>     spinach issue
>      >
>      >This voice
>      > > is always whispering that the more raw something is, the closer
>     it is to
>      > > it's natural state, the better.  This voice tells that the
>     converse, the
>      > > more refined anything is, the more goodness has been stripped
>     away and
>      > > the more unhealthy in terms of preservatives and traces of
>     processing
>      > > steps are left behind in the product.
>      >
>      >processing is relative.  Cassava is dangerously poisonous without
>      >processing
>      >
>      >
>      >   I, like some others, confound
>      > > myself at times with doublethink on this front however.  For
>     example
>      > > water purified by reverse osmosis  definitely is free of VOC's and
>      > > chlorine, flourine etc but so are the minerals removed and drinking
>      > > highly purified water can leach minerals from the body.  So I
>     stuggle to
>      > > understand where the correct balance is at times.
>      >
>      >   we all struggle- nobody said life was easy
>      >
>      >   Bottled spring water
>      > > can contain higher than the municipal level of heavy metals.  I
>     have
>      > > wondered about natural salt deposits in this regard although I
>     admit I
>      > > have been lazy about doing my homework and looking for an assay on
>      > > alternative salt products.
>      >
>      >as far as I am aware there is no such thing as unnatural salt.
>      >
>      >
>      >   I was told that iodine was added to salt
>      > > because there were many more cases of thyroid problems in the
>     population
>      > > before this was done
>      >
>      >iodination of salt began in earnest in the great lakes regions where
>      >the available salt had particularly low levels of iodine.  See info on
>      >the "goiter belt"
>      >
>      >
>     <>
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >(unless this is disinformation and I am to learn
>      > > that it aint so and it was just a way to unload iodine from
>     some excess
>      > > industrial process on an unsuspecting population vis the
>     flouride scene
>      > > with toothpaste and city water)  It is often hard to know who
>     or what to
>      > > believe unless it is right in your area of knowledge. All I can
>     hope to
>      > > do is fight laziness and keep looking for information.  This
>     list is a
>      > > goldmine in this regard and I can never give enough thanks for
>     all I
>      > > have learned from all the contibuting members here.
>      > > BTW the sea salt I use doesn't pour well.
>      >
>      >pure salt, as well as salt without a desiccant clumps up in humid
>      >climates (it is hygroscopic)  Hence Sodium alumino silicate or a
>      >similar desiccant is added.  Mortons has advertised this property for
>      >years-when it rains it pours.
>      >
>      >
>      >   I regard this as
>      > > encouraging.  What have 'they' done to regular table salt to
>     make it run
>      > > so easily hmmm? I wonder.
>      > >
>      > > Joe
>      > >
>      > > M&K DuPree wrote:
>      > >> Hi Bob and List...I don't know.  But I wish I could know all
>     the time
>      > >> what is right and what is wrong, what is on one side and what
>     is on
>      > >> another, whether or not there really is one side or another, but I
>      > >> don't know, the lines between this and that oftentimes become
>      > >> obscure.  Maybe we should vaccinate, maybe we
>     shouldn't.  Maybe hell
>      > >> is freezing over, maybe it isn't.  I don't know.
>      > >>      I do know this, however, I have no one to blame but
>     myself.  I'm
>      > >> not sure I can say the same for anyone else, because it's
>     really none
>      > >> of my business, but this is true for me--I have no one to
>     blame but
>      > >> myself.  And it is this that I seek for everyone, that they
>     are able
>      > >> to one day and forever thereafter accept and say the same
>     thing for
>      > >> him/her self.  Why?  I can't answer that for you.  So it's for
>     me to
>      > >> know and you to find out...for yourself.  I can see you are
>     trying,
>      > >> just like others are trying too.  And this is where I hope we
>     of this
>      > >> List can all find peace with each other, that each of us is
>     trying in
>      > >> his or her own way to take responsibility for oneself, to have
>     no one
>      > >> to blame but ourself.
>      > >>      Maybe we should be trying to understand each other
>     better.  And
>      > >> when we don't agree, rather than throw ridicule at each other,
>     stop
>      > >> and ask a question.  I don't know.  Maybe the path of ridicule,
>      > >> conjecture, leads to personal responsibility.  Maybe.
>      > >>      Anyway, there's so much that goes on here that is worthy
>     of being
>      > >> labeled of real WORTH.  Maybe it's the freedom to ridicule
>     too.  Ok.
>      > >>      Ah's a beautiful day here today...perfect
>     temperature,
>      > >> sunshine and a breeze--for breakfast outside with the flys.
>      > >>      Mike DuPree
>      > >>
>      > >> ----- Original Message -----
>      > >> From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
>      > >> To: <
>     <>
>      ><
>     <>>>
>      > >> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:23 AM
>      > >> Subject: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
>      > >>
>      > >> >
>      > >> >
>      > >> > and what a deal, only 7.95 usd (plus shipping and handling)
>     for 4
>      > >> ounces.
>      > >> >
>      > >> >
>      > >> >
>      > >> >
>      > >> >
>      > >> > --
>      > >> > Bob Allen,
>      > >> > =========================================================
>      > >> > The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest
>     exercises
>      > >> in moral philosophy; that is,
>      > >> > the search for a superior moral justification for
>     selfishness  JKG
>      > >> >
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>     (50,000
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>      >--
>      >------------------------------------------------------------------
>      >Bob Allen,
>      >------------------------------------------------------------------
>      >-----------------------------------------------------------------
>      >The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
>      >in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
>      >justification for selfishness  JKG
>      >--------------------------------------------------------------------
>      >
>      >
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>     Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>     Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
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> -- 
> Jonathan Hardin
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> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Bob Allen,
The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG

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