D. Mindock wrote:

>Bldg 7 fell in the same controlled fashion even though of different 
>construction method.

    You're going to believe what you wish to believe, despite the 
physical evidence.

>It was hit by debris but not an airliner. Bldg 7 was not mentioned in the 
>9/11 commission
>report. Why? It was a big building, 47 stories, loaded with FBI files on 
>Enron and other cases.

    So?  You're implying that the Bush administration officials had that 
building wired for demolition to coincide with the collapse of the WTC 
towers.  That suggests a degree of control from a bunch of incompetents 
that we've never actually witnessed.

>No steel framed building before or since 9/11 has ever fallen due to fire. 

    And no other buildings have been deliberately rammed with airliners 
filled with jet fuel, either.  This is a non-point.

>Some buildings
>were ablaze for seventeen hours, still no failure.

    But not rammed at high speed by jet liners full of fuel.

>If one looks at the totality of 9/11 and the numerous conflicts between the 
>official story
>and the actual evidence, it is easily concluded that the government is lying 
>to the American

    Oh, I agree.  They're lying about the warning signals.  They're 
lying about the actions they DIDN'T take to protect the country, and 
they've used the attack as a pretext to promote an evil, political agenda.

> Remember too how fiercely the Bush regime fought the establishment 
>of the commission to
>investigate 9/11. They do not want the truth to be told and much prefer 
>their own reality.

    Because the truth shows what a bunch of blithering idiots they 
really are!

>9/11 could not have happened without goverment complicity.

    It happened with government stupidity.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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