D. Mindock wrote:
> I saw Kevin on TV two months ago, so his ban must have expired. 

no,  the ban was for selling any kind of health care product, now he 
only  sells books about health care products.

I got his
> last two books.
> They do seem to written in haste. But I don't doubt the things he says.

keep in mind he admitted to credit card fraud.  He stole peoples money. 
  what makes you think he's telling the truth now?  did you read any of 
the comments at ripoffreport.com ?  he is a scam artist

> have seen too many people, friends
> and family, die from drugs. Myself, I don't want to take a chance with 
> drugs, and as
> long as alt therapies are available, I will continue to use them 
> exclusively.

a commendable notion, but where do you get reliable information on 
efficacy?  from a con artist?

> It is a fact that all alt practioners are under attack. The more successful 
> they are, the more they're stymied
> in their work by the FDA.

how do you measure success? The reason they are under attack as you call 
it not because of success, but because they make unsubstantiated claims. 
        For example mercola

Mercola gets second warning letter.

The FDA has ordered Joseph Mercola, DO and his Optimal Wellness Center 
to stop making illegal claims for four products. The order was based on 
product labels collected during an inspection at his facility and on 
claims made on the Optimum Wellness Center Web site. The objectionable 
claims include:

**Vibrant Health Research Chlorella XP, claimed to "help to virtually 
eliminate your risk of developing cancer in the future."

**Fresh Shores Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, claimed to reduce the risk of 
heart disease, cancer, and degenerative diseases.

**Momentum Health Products Vitamin K2, possibly useful in treating 
certain kinds of cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

**Momentum Health Products Cardio Essentials Nattokinase NSK-SD, claimed 
to be "a much safer and effective option than aspirin and other 
pharmaceutical agents to treating heart disease."


This is one of the primary functions of the
> AMA. It has no enforcement powers so it calls on the FDA.  It is called 
> "protecting thy turf". Alt medicine
> is growing by leaps and bounds and is the wave of the future, if, a big if, 
> it can survive the onslaught from
>  the FDA, AMA, and Codex Alimentarius.

and another big if is can it be proven to really do anything.

> Big Pharma is the creator/backer of the Codex and I have no doubt that many 
> Repugs and a few
> key Dems are being primed to pass legislation to make it a done deal in the 
> U$ of A.
> Peace, D. Mindock
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>> Terry, are you aware that the FTC has banned him from infomercials due
>> to many many false statements? If you have ever seen any infomercials,
>> you should know that the standard of acceptability very, very low.
>> Well, Trudeau went below that.
>>  Or that he has spent time in prison for felony fraud? If you have ever
>> seen any infomercials, you should know that the standard of
>> acceptability very, very low.  Well, Trudeau went below that.
>> here is the ftc statement
>> http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2004/09/trudeaucoral.htm
>> and here is a little vox populi. Note this is not big pharma or a
>> federal agency, but rather individuals talking about how they have been
>> treated by the man.
>> http://www.ripoffreport.com/results.asp?q1=ALL&q5=kevin+trudeau&submit2=Search%21&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0
>> you could have picked any number of better examples than this guy.
>> Terry Dyck wrote:
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> The book titled "Natural Cures they don't want you to know about", by 
>>> Kevin
>>> Trudeau explains examples of what really goes on in our commercial world.
>>> Kevin was a CEO of a huge Pharmactical corporation and did a lot of 
>>> corrupt
>>> work to please the share holders of his company.
>> then he is corrupt to do it.  and just what company was that?  I don't
>> mean to imply that that sort of thing is not done, just that I question
>> whether Trudeau was a CEO of a huge Pharma.
>>   He was expected to do this
>>> corrupt work in order to keep his job.  He also explains that the FDA 
>>> quite
>>> often picks on small natural food companies and has there products banned
>>> for no health reason but because they may interfere with the bottom line 
>>> of
>>> Drug companies profits.
>> got a verifiable example?
>>> You are right, Bob, members on this list do understand how profits can
>>> influence information.  Exxon Oil and other oil corporations have paid
>>> scientists for years to publish untruthful info about Global Warming, 
>>> etc.
>> now here we agree.
>>>> From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
>>>> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>> Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 15:58:51 -0500
>>>> That last one from me was dashed off a little too hastily.  Here is what
>>>> I should have sent:
>>>> Howdy Terry,
>>>> Terry Dyck wrote:
>>>>> Because my name was mentioned in this thread I would like to join Joe
>>>> and D.
>>>>> Mindock in stating that I to believe in science.  There is good science
>>>> and
>>>>> bad science.
>>>> bad science has little meaning in my mind.   One can pursue information
>>>> via methods that attempt to control for confounding variables or not.
>>>> There is hype, marketing, downright lies etc. but that is not science.
>>>>   When it comes to the western world and health money seems to
>>>>> be a huge factor and prevention of disease does not get as much
>>>> published
>>>>> science in a good light as does big profit pharmacetical corportations.
>>>> or big profit for little guys like mercola, hulda clark, and an endless
>>>> array of hucksters?
>>>>    So
>>>>> we seem to mostly here what the big corporations have to say.
>>>> not on this list, huh.  But we do see mercola et al. I really don't see
>>>> much difference, other than greater regulation of big pharma.
>>>>   This is not
>>>>> good for human health.
>>>>> Terry Dyck
>>>>>> From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>>>>> To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
>>>>>> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>>>> Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 02:33:15 -0500
>>>>>> Yep, I too admire scientists, real truth seeking ones, not those who
>>>> can be
>>>>>> bought to produce desired
>>>>>> outcomes. My degree is in science, atmospheric. Basically I am trained
>>>> to
>>>>>> run computer
>>>>>> models of the atmosphere and to enhance the models so they correlate
>>>> more
>>>>>> closely to
>>>>>> reality. Reality, aka Nature, is the gold standard.
>>>>>> Bob is wound a bit tight but that might come from trying to pour
>>>> knowledge
>>>>>> into hung-over
>>>>>> college students. His love of data, results from scientific studies, 
>>>>>> is
>>>> awe
>>>>>> inspiring at times.
>>>>>> Peace, D. Mindock
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Joe Street" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 8:34 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
>>>> Was
>>>>>> Testimonials as Evidence)
>>>>>>> Hi Kurt;
>>>>>>> Pardon my snipping style but.....
>>>>>>> Kurt Nolte wrote:
>>>>>>> snip
>>>>>>>> On the other side we have his opponents, among them Joe Street, 
>>>>>>>> Terry
>>>>>>>> Dyck, Mike Dupree and D. Mindock, to name a few off the top of my
>>>> head.
>>>>>>>> These people seem to be, to the best of my knowledge, claiming that
>>>>>>>> herbs (The topic at hand) are the /only/ things that are truly
>>>>>>>> efficacious as medicinal compounds, and that pharmaceuticals 
>>>>>>>> produced
>>>> by
>>>>>>>> synthetic processes just don't hack it.
>>>>>>> Actually I don't believe I ever said that!  I am opposing Bob to some
>>>>>>> degree but that doesn't mean I said what you are attributing to me, 
>>>>>>> or
>>>> I
>>>>>>> guess more correctly that you should be lumping me in with what you
>>>> are
>>>>>>> saying about the others.  I am very scientifically inclined, I run a
>>>>>>> university lab for pete's sake as well but I am also a sceptic of the
>>>>>>> idea that science is the be all and end all or that it has all the
>>>>>>> answers.  I still have great respect for science and believe that one
>>>>>>> day it may encompass things that it currently can't explain.  All I 
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> suggesting to Bob is that even though science cannot explain 
>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>> at the present time, that does not mean it must necessarily be
>>>>>>> rejected.  I think this is the only point on which Bob and I are in
>>>>>>> dissagreement.  I also wouldn't say it is fair to be calling Bob
>>>> closed
>>>>>>> minded.  Stubborn yes but narrow or closed minded, no.
>>>>>>> Joe
>>>> --
>>>> Bob Allen
>>>> http://www.ozarker.org/bob
>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>> Science is what we have learned about how to
>>>> keep from fooling ourselves.   Richard Feynman
>> -- 
>> Bob Allen
>> http://www.ozarker.org/bob
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> Science is what we have learned about how to
>> keep from fooling ourselves.   Richard Feynman
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Bob Allen
Science is what we have learned about how to
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