Hi Bob

Nutrition and Health, by Sir Robert McCarrison -- McCarrison's Cantor 
Lectures, to the Royal Society of Arts in 1936, Faber and Faber, 
London, 1953. After joining the Indian Medical Service in 1901 Robert 
McCarrison spent his early years in the Northern Frontier region 
investigating the legendary Hunza tribe, mountain people who lived to 
a vigorous old age and never got sick. He discovered why, and proved 
it in a series of experiments at the Nutrition Research Laboratories 
at Coonoor in India. It was the food they ate -- and, just as 
important, not just what food, but how it was grown. Unless it was 
grown in fertile soil, it was not health-giving food. Most doctors 
study disease; McCarrison had the rare opportunity to study health 
instead, as well as the lack of health among other races in the 
southern part of India subsisting on a poor diet. His findings put 
the fledgling science of nutrition on a whole new footing. 
McCarrison's Cantor Lectures describe his experiments as Director of 
Nutrition Research in India, the results, and the implications for 
health and nutrition. With photographs. Full text online at the Small 
Farms Library.

The Wheel of Health by G.T. Wrench, Daniel, 1938
Dr. Wrench's classic exploration of the Hunza, a mountain people 
renowned for their longevity and vigor. By approaching the problem of 
disease from the angle of a study of a perfectly healthy people, 
Wrench shows that health depends on environmental wholeness, of which 
a whole diet is the vital factor, and that a whole diet means not 
only the right sorts of foods, but their right cultivation as well. 
An examination of the agricultural technique of the most successful 
cultivators of East and West shows what an essential part of the 
wheel of health -- from man to soil, from soil to plant, from plant 
to man -- is the farmer's renewal and protection of the soil. Full 
text online. 

Lots more in the Small Farms Library if you care to look.
Small Farms Library - Journey to Forever

Try Price, or Cleave - you'll HATE it! LOL! Especially since it's real science.


>Howdy Terry,
>Terry Dyck wrote:
> > HI Bob,
> >
> > The Western world has the highest rate of Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes,
> > Respiratory problems and other ailments in the world.
>oh really, and your source for these "facts" is?  are the data age
>adjusted, etc. and just what "other" ailments are included.  This is the
>issue I have with you and others, you make what I feel are overly broad
>statements as fact, without  little or no support.  So give me
>reference or two so I can draw my own conclusions.
>or how about just statistic at a time to discuss.   How about age
>adjusted cancer rates?  (age adjusting is necessary as cancer is
>essentially inevitable, the longer you live the more likely you are to
>get cancer.
>   show me the data please.
> >   On the other hand
> > there is a valley in the middle of the Himalayan mountains called Hunzaland
> > that is an almost disease free area.
>I have heard this canard before.  I googled hunzaland and about the only
>thing I got were people hawking their particular "cure"
>                   The Apricot Kernel Anti-Cancer Theory
>    http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/land_of_hunza.htm
>or how about 160+ year olds
>do really believe that?  really, you don't think someone could be less
>than forthright to make a point about a product the promote?
>or maybe it's the magnetized water
> >  A pure organic food diet and almost no
> > pollution could be the reason for people having good health.
> >
>or it could all be a bunch of hype. How do we know with out better
> >> --
> >> Bob Allen, http://ozarker.org/bob
> >> =========================================================
> >> The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises in
> >> moral philosophy; that is,
> >> the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG

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