Hi Mike;

You don't need to tell me about the power of the mind, - subconscious or as some like to call it the superconscious.  You'd be preaching to the converted. The thing is I find myself on niether side of the debate (it happens often) I could actually argue for both sides many times. This doesn't mean I am riding the fence which is something I detest, but rather that I often see the two sides of an issue as two sides of the same single coin. Too often we can get the blinders on and insist that our view of the coin is THE one, and we lose sight of the fact that it is a coin. The forest and the trees. Science has it's place and so does mysticism. One day when our species comes of age people will look back and laugh that we even saw something to argue about. It's the same with religious debates, political debates and on and on. Ultimately it is all one integral energy with some fascinating swirls that we currently like to obsess over. What more can one say? The more one says, the farther he gets from the truth. I'm feeling particularly mystical today, sorry if I dripped any on your monitor!  LOL


M&K DuPree wrote:
Joe, thank you for your observations, specifically: "the real world is not a closed carefully controlled lab environment so what can be said in a scientific manner?" Maybe these are the words we have been needing.  When you think about it, so many new (human-made) variables are impacting the environment that "science" itself must necessarily be impacted.  No longer are we studying processes that have evolved for millions of years.  We are studying processes that have never before occurred in the history of the planet.  The questions become whether or not "science" changes too and if so, how?  More and more, it seems to me, "science" must take into account as inclusive of a picture as possible to be relevant.  If so, it also seems to me, perhaps finally we are ready to learn just how significant to the changes that take place is what we imagine.  "In peace and light I journey through forever." Mike DuPree
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Street
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] mercury was Imaginal Cells by Deepak Chopra

Hi Robert;

robert and benita rabello wrote:
    I understand that, but I don't think you're grasping my point.  
There is a VERY large percentage of the overall population walking 
around with dental amalgams, and a cohort of professionals that have 
been working with this material for decades.  Yet there is no study that 
supports negative health impacts within that population that can be 
directly linked to mercury in dental fillings.

Yeah I got your point.  My point was that people are making claims ( please for the moment don't pull a 'show me the data' .... just for argument's sake allow me this for a moment) they are making claims that just maybe a large upswing in the occurrance of certain diseases may be related to long term effects of low level exposure to certain toxins, mercury being one of the suspects.  Sure it's complicated by rising levels of all kinds of unhealthy things in trace concentrations in our environment, the air we breathe and the water we drink, the food supply.  Maybe that's the big picture here. Check with fisheries on the guidelines for those fish you are pulling out of the Fraser for example. So maybe the body of evidence is massive and right there in front of us. Questionmark.
Check out what this SFU paper has to say about mercury levels in the Fraser watershed and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) the ones that can slip into your DNA helix and have fun with your cellular reproduction. 


All of these things play a role I am certain but the real world is not a closed carefully controlled lab environment so what can be said in a scientific manner?  I am reminded of post docs here in my lab who run plasma processes that have several variables that are wildly out of control and while they tweak one of those variables and they get one device on their wafer out of a hundred at the end which has a desireable characteristic they then assume it is due to their matrix of values for this one variable and not to some chance confluence of uncontrolled parameters.  They realize it later ( after they have published) that they have the devils own time trying to reproduce it!  ROFL. Are you going to put a bunch of humans in a cage and control everything they are exposed to over their lifetime?  When you hear that something you have been eating, drinking, or smoking is potentially harmful do you stop consuming it, or do you wait to get sick so you have your own personal data?  How fanatic do you need to be in your adherence to the dogma of the church of reason?
 But didn't I read years ago that there is a very 
high suicide rate among dentists?


    Can that impact be isolated to mercury exposure?
ISOLATED?  No, not beyond a reasonable doubt, not out here in the real, complicated world. Maybe in a 50 year lab experiment with real human subjects, or maybe with rats that have an 80 year life expectancy if they existed. But see my comments above.  What is isolated in the real world? Read up on the mental health effects of exposure to mercury vapour. Is there a correlation? Perhaps? Ever heard the _expression_ "mad as a hatter"?  Felt hats used to be made with mercury. Is contemplating suicide a form of madness?  Sometimes I wonder. And there's probably a few db difference in the exposure level between me and a dentist!  LOL


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