hi Keith,

you said "Large-scale animal and animal products production has no future and 
> has a disgusting past without any merit. There is no place for "the 
> industry". There is plenty of place for unpasteurised real milk and 
> the healthy people who drink it." I agree, they are in it for the money 
> (which we do need) with less regard for the environmental footprint, and 
> lacking the passion to provide good food to the people. However, could you 
> elaborate on the size of scale you are refering to in the above statement. I 
> mean there are hundreds of millions of people who live in cities that cant 
> farm or produce for themselves. Ultimately, in the end I believe the smaller 
> and more localised the farm is to its consumption destination, the better. It 
> reduces transport costs, packaging and ultimately energy demand. Individual 
> small farms to produce food for themselves and the community is the best 
> option if practiced responsibily with the social and environmental issues in 
> mind. Having said this what are your thoughts for providing food to the 
> cities.



> Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Andres
> >I am affraid the pasteurization process is necessary because to eat
> >untreated foods is DANGEROUS for humans.
> Not true. Please see my previous reply and check the references there.
> >The larger the production scale the
> >higher the risk.
> True.
> >The living parts of foods are oftenly poisonous for us
> >like bacteria.
> Not necessarily so. Look at your previous statement about the 
> production scale. The inverse is equally true: the smaller the scale 
> the lower the risk - in other words small-scale local production, 
> such as on CSA farms. This can be and usually is safe and 
> high-quality. Traditional agricultural systems all had and have good 
> solutions to these problems. But modern large-scale production has no 
> such answers.
> >Thanks to god there is still a lot of vegetables we can eat
> >in large volumes without processing and alive.
> And quite possibly covered with various pesticide residues and with 
> only poor nutritional quality - again a problem that increases as the 
> production scale increases, and decreases to zero as the scale 
> decreases.
> >There are alternative process to pasteurization, but still expensive 
> for the
> >industry to do it large scale.
> Large-scale animal and animal products production has no future and 
> has a disgusting past without any merit. There is no place for "the 
> industry". There is plenty of place for unpasteurised real milk and 
> the healthy people who drink it.
> >Anyway those process kill all.
> Many people are saying that that is what industrial "food" processing 
> is accomplishing. They seem to have a strong case for that argument.
> Best
> Keith
> >----- Original Message -----
> >To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 11:45 PM
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Time is running out to Save Raw Almonds!
> >
> >
> > >I agree. what ever happened to "natural food", soo many things these 
> days
> > >are procesed, heat treated or altered from their natural state in 
> some way
> > >or another. We are protected, inhibiting our own imunity from doing 
> its
> > >job. I suspect that pasteurization could escilate the health problems 
> by
> > >feeding humans "dead" food. One part of health is eating live food. I 
> see
> > >this in the same boat as white bread, white flour, white sugar, white 
> rice,
> > >etc. Foods need to be less procesed and offered in their natural 
> states.
> > >
> > > Almonds also contain health promoting mono and polyunsaturated fats, 
> that
> > > when heated to a hot enough temperature, degrade and turn rancid. Im 
> sure
> > > that there are people out there that are also concerned about this.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >> Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Forwarding
> > >>
> > >> As of Sept 1, 2007, all almonds are to be pasteurized!
> > >> Please take a moment to contact US Secretary of Agriculture Mike 
> Johanns
> > >> and ask him to use his influence to reverse this ruling.
> > >> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> Phone: 202-720-3631
> > >> Fax: 202-720-2166
> > >>
> > >> Contact the Almond Board and let them know your thoughts, too.
> > >> http://www.almondboard.com/utilities/FORMContactUs.cfm
> > >> (209) 549-8262
> > >>
> > >> This article gives a great overview on the issue. Thanks for taking
> > >> action.
> > >> Time is running out to save raw almonds.
> > >> Even if you don't eat almonds, please speak up anyway.
> > >> If there is a precedent for pasteurizing almonds, we may soon find 
> more
> > >> of our foods mandated for pasteurization.
> > >>
> > >> -S.
> > >>
> > >> ----------------------------
> > >> The Almond Board of California, which oversees virtually 100 
> percent of
> > >> the almonds grown and consumed in the United States and Canada, is 
> now
> > >> implementing plans to pasteurize all almonds at temperatures up to 
> 158
> > >> degrees (F) and yet have them intentionally and falsely labeled as
> > >> "raw." The decision was made following the 2001 and 2004 outbreaks 
> of
> > >> salmonella in almonds, and is based on the intention of the Almond 
> Board
> > >> of California to provide a "safe, nutritious product to consumers" 
> but
> > >> not, it seems, an accurately labeled food product to consumers.
> > >>
> > >> Although it seems unthinkable to anyone familiar with the 
> fundamentals
> > >> of nutrition, the Almond Board fails to recognize any distinction
> > >> between raw almonds and cooked almonds. In statements received by
> > >> NewsTarget, the Almond Board explained that, "raw almonds that have 
> been
> > >> pasteurized do not differ in any significant way from untreated raw
> > >> almonds."
> > >>
> > >> Except, of course, for the fact that they are dead. Stating that 
> live,
> > >> raw almonds are the same as dead, cooked almonds is equivalent to
> > >> stating that a living human being is the same as a corpse.
> > >>
> > >> Raw foods are widely understood by virtually the entire food 
> community
> > >> to mean food items kept below 108 degrees (F), beyond which the 
> living
> > >> enzymes in foods are destroyed. Pasteurization, in contrast, 
> exposes
> > >> foods to temperatures of up to 158 degrees for durations up to 30
> > >> minutes. (Faster "flash" pasteurization can involve much higher
> > >> temperatures for shorter durations: 280 degrees (F) for two 
> seconds, for
> > >> example.) NewsTarget does not know the precise temperature that 
> will be
> > >> used for pasteurizing almonds, but it will without question be a
> > >> temperature higher than 108 degrees (F), which means the almonds 
> can no
> > >> longer be considered raw by any reasonable person familiar with the
> > >> definition of raw.
> > >>
> > >> Outcry from the raw foods community
> > >>
> > >> The raw foods community, not surprisingly, is alarmed at the new 
> rules,
> > >> which openly condone the false labeling of a food product. Dr. 
> Gabriel
> > >> Cousens, author of several top-selling books on raw foods and 
> founder of
> > >> the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona ( www.TreeofLife.nu 
> ),
> > >> told NewsTarget, "This mandatory almond pasteurization is an effort 
> by
> > >> the powers that be to limit access to healthy food. It is a serious
> > >> attack on people's ability to eat what they want and support their
> > >> health. In this important way, it deprives us of our basic rights 
> of
> > >> life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is a serious 
> incursion
> > >> of rights for a trivial and preventable reason, this being that the
> > >> [past] contamination of the almonds was from a single source."
> > >>
> > >> The issue at hand here is not merely that all California almonds 
> will
> > >> now be sterilized, but that cooked almonds will be deliberately and
> > >> falsely labeled as raw. It's like opening a carton of fresh eggs 
> and
> > >> finding out they've already been hard-boiled. This is a clear case 
> of
> > >> deceptive labeling that should, by any common sense definition, be
> > >> illegal. Yet the FDA seems perfectly happy with this deception and 
> will
> > >> apparently allow consumers to be blatantly misled about the food
> > >> products they are purchasing.
> > >>
> > >> Raw doesn't mean raw
> > >>
> > >> The Almond Board of California (ABC) is aware of the outcry 
> concerning
> > >> the new pasteurization rule, but believes that the outcry is 
> without
> > >> merit. "The almond board understands there is an outcry, but we 
> maintain
> > >> that the quality of the almond is substantially the same as it is 
> raw,"
> > >> said Marcha Venable of the ABC.
> > >>
> > >> With this decision, the Almond Board of California seems 
> surprisingly
> > >> out of touch with the California lifestyle, which is significantly 
> based
> > >> on fresh, raw food products like limes, avocados and almonds. The 
> living
> > >> foods / raw foods movement in the United States is largely a 
> product of
> > >> the natural California lifestyle, and yet the Almond Board seems to 
> have
> > >> no hesitation in intentionally mislabeling its cooked almond 
> products as
> > >> raw, misleading consumers into thinking they're buying live almonds 
> when
> > >> they aren't.
> > >>
> > >> This isn't something that's being covertly pursued, either. The 
> Almond
> > >> Board is blatantly and openly stating that cooked almonds will be
> > >> labeled as "raw."
> > >> If all these almond deceptions seem a bit hard to swallow, check 
> the
> > >> definition of "raw" in the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 
> which
> > >> states that "raw" means:
> > >>
> > >> 1. uncooked, as articles of food: a raw carrot.
> > >>
> > >> 2. not having undergone processes of preparing, dressing, 
> finishing,
> > >> refining, or manufacture: raw cotton.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> In direct contradiction to this clear definition, the Almond Board 
> of
> > >> California is now insisting that cooked = raw.
> > >>
> > >> Think about that for a minute. Cooked is raw.
> > >>
> > >> War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is power. (1984 by 
> George
> > >> Orwell)
> > >>
> > >> And now, in the California almond industry, cooked is raw.
> > >>
> > >> Apparently, the perception of what's in the bag is far more 
> important
> > >> than what's really in the bag. Ignorance is power, after all.
> > >>
> > >> How the almonds will be cooked
> > >>
> > >> Pasteurization is a heat process that kills microorganisms by 
> exposing
> > >> them to high temperatures. Unfortunately, the process also kills 
> the
> > >> enzymes and living qualities of the food in question. Raw nuts and 
> seeds
> > >> can be planted and will actually sprout, indicating they are alive 
> and
> > >> vibrant, but cooked nuts and seeds will not sprout, indicating they 
> are
> > >> dead and have no remaining life force.
> > >>
> > >> Pasteurization is effective at eliminating microorganisms precisely
> > >> because it kills things. But heat is not a selective killer. It 
> kills
> > >> the almond just as easily as it kills the microorganisms. Thus, any
> > >> sterilized almond package will contain dead almonds.
> > >>
> > >> There are other technologies that can kill microorganisms without
> > >> requiring pasteurization. Ozone treatment, for example, is 
> extremely
> > >> effective at reducing microorganisms and yet requires no high
> > >> temperatures. Ozone-treated almonds could still be truly raw, but 
> the
> > >> Almond Board is not actively pursuing large-scale ozone treatments,
> > >> perhaps due to the cost (pasteurization is cheap and easy, where 
> ozone
> > >> treatments require investments in expensive equipment).
> > >>
> > >> It's not just the almonds that are going to be cooked under the new
> > >> plans, however. The reputation of the Almond Board of California is 
> also
> > >> being sterilized. Who can trust an organization that openly and
> > >> blatantly announces its intention to mislabel cooked almonds as raw
> > >> almonds? If the almonds were honestly labeled as "pasteurized" or
> > >> "sterilized," then that would be at least be a defensible position. 
> But
> > >> to intentionally and deliberately propose that a food product be
> > >> deceptively labeled is inexcusable in any industry, including the 
> almond
> > >> industry.
> > >>
> > >> Not enough public comments
> > >>
> > >> The Almond Board of California says the new pasteurization rule is 
> no
> > >> secret, and it was published in a federal registry that welcomed
> > >> comments from the public. The commentary period ended in January. 
> "They
> > >> did not receive enough comments to warrant a review," Marcha 
> Venable
> > >> told NewsTarget, "So it's really the overwhelming cry of consumers
> > >> across the nation for healthy food products."
> > >>
> > >> NewsTarget finds that quote perplexing. A lack of response is not
> > >> equivalent to, "an overwhelming cry." Silence is not a mandate. 
> Perhaps
> > >> the people were simply too astonished to speak.
> > >>
> > >> With this new false labeling rule, the almond industry joins the 
> dairy
> > >> industry in the "kill your food" philosophical camp. Dairy products 
> are
> > >> pasteurized for the same reason (to kill microorganisms and extend 
> shelf
> > >> life), yet raw dairy products have been found to exhibit tremendous
> > >> health and nutritional advantages over cooked, processed dairy 
> products.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> By cooking its almonds, the Almond Board of California will be
> > >> unwittingly killing its product and delivering an inferior almond 
> to
> > >> consumers. Raw foods enthusiasts wishing to make their own raw 
> almond
> > >> milk will now be without easy options. Ultimately, it seems that 
> the
> > >> Almond Board of California is not merely killing the almonds; it's 
> also
> > >> killing its reputation. The harm to the almond industry from 
> increasing
> > >> awareness about the false labeling could reach into the tens of 
> millions
> > >> of dollars in a single year.
> > >>
> > >> No exceptions
> > >>
> > >> Contrary to popular belief, there are no practical exceptions to 
> the
> > >> pasteurization rule, at least not for consumers. Certain 
> organizations
> > >> can be granted "Direct Verifiable" exceptions (DV), but only if 
> they
> > >> later pasteurize the almonds as part of a manufactured food product 
> such
> > >> as a granola bar. Thus, all almonds grown in California will, by 
> law,
> > >> have to be killed.
> > >>
> > >> NewsTarget is currently attempting to find a source of truly raw 
> almonds
> > >> that we can recommend to consumers. Any organic almond growers who 
> wish
> > >> to be part of our recommended list of honest, raw almond sources 
> are
> > >> free to contact us through our feedback page. Once we are able to 
> locate
> > >> reputable sources of raw almonds, we will make that list available 
> to
> > >> NewsTarget readers.
> > >>
> > >> The double standard
> > >>
> > >> Interestingly, meat products are not required to be cooked before 
> being
> > >> sold, despite the numerous outbreaks of e.coli in meat that are
> > >> announced each year. Why aren't hamburgers outlawed or raw meat 
> products
> > >> banned?
> > >>
> > >> It is also interesting that there is absolutely no effort by state 
> or
> > >> federal regulators to remove the additives and ingredients in foods 
> that
> > >> kill consumers through cancer, heart disease, diabetes and liver
> > >> disorders. Sodium nitrite, for example, remains perfectly legal to 
> add
> > >> to processed meat products, even though it substantially increases 
> the
> > >> risk of pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and even breast cancer.
> > >> Hydrogenated oils, aspartame, petroleum-derived food coloring 
> chemicals
> > >> and cancer-causing preservative chemicals all remain legal as well.
> > >>
> > >> Clearly, the goal of so-called "food safety" initiatives have 
> nothing to
> > >> do with actually protecting consumers, but a whole lot to do with
> > >> meeting the interests of agricultural companies and junk food
> > >> manufacturers. The primary concern of food safety officials appears 
> to
> > >> be extending shelf life, not protecting consumer health, which is 
> why
> > >> most of the food safety rules in effect today -- and even new ones 
> like
> > >> this almond pasteurization rule -- primarily have the effect of
> > >> extending food shelf life.
> > >>
> > >> With this recent decision, the Almond Board of California has
> > >> unwittingly joined the conglomeration of uncaring, ignorant 
> agricultural
> > >> corporate interests who have no real concern for consumers, 
> although
> > >> they disguise their actions as such. Before long, it seems, all the 
> food
> > >> sold in the United States will be genetically modified, irradiated,
> > >> pasteurized, homogenized, hydrolyzed and packaged for a two-year 
> shelf
> > >> life. And it will all be labeled as "All natural!"
> > >>
> > >> It's no wonder, then that the United States population demonstrates 
> the
> > >> lowest levels of mental and physical health of any advanced nation. 
> We
> > >> are the walking dead, largely because we eat predominantly dead 
> foods.
> > >>
> > >> Ignorance beyond belief
> > >>
> > >> The Almond Board of California is now joining the "dead food 
> society"
> > >> and contributing to this problem, apparently out of astonishing
> > >> ignorance of the difference between live foods vs. dead foods. 
> Perhaps
> > >> someone should explain to the almond board what seeds are, and
> > >> demonstrate the planting of a seed and its miraculous creation of a
> > >> young plant.
> > >>
> > >> It seems beyond belief that the organization overseeing tens of 
> millions
> > >> of dollars in almond production each year would have no apparent
> > >> familiarity with the living foods benefits of their own products. 
> It
> > >> would be like an airplane manufacturer having no familiarity with 
> the
> > >> physics of flight, or a search engine company that had no idea what 
> the
> > >> internet was. Perhaps the Almond Board members have pasteurized 
> their
> > >> own heads and now have no working brain matter remaining to put to 
> a
> > >> sensible use.
> > >>
> > >> It almost seems silly to have to say this, but there is a 
> difference
> > >> between life and death. The character of an almond is no more 
> defined by
> > >> its material matter than the character of a person is defined by 
> the
> > >> mineral ash of their cremated body. What's contained in a raw nut, 
> seed,
> > >> root or plant goes beyond mere chemistry, beyond the minerals, 
> vitamins,
> > >> oils and fiber. A raw nut exhibits a living energy that is 
> qualitatively
> > >> unique and cannot be replaced by a dead nut. This is obvious to
> > >> virtually everyone familiar with the fundamentals of nutrition, but 
> it
> > >> has apparently escaped the notice of the ABC, whose only business 
> is
> > >> almonds!
> > >>
> > >> The new false labeling rule goes into effect in the Fall of 2007.
> > >> Until then, enjoy your raw, healthy almonds, because unless you 
> have
> > >> your own almond tree, they may soon be a thing of the past.
> > >>
> > >> Action item
> > >>
> > >> If you're a consumer of almonds anywhere in North America, your 
> supply
> > >> of raw almonds is now at risk.
> > >> Contact the Almond Board of California and let them know what you 
> think:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> http://www.almondboard.com/utilities/FORMContactUs.cfm
> > >>
> > >> Their phone number is (209) 549-8262
> > >>
> > >> ###
> > >>
> > >> Mike Adams is a consumer health advocate with a mission to teach
> > >> personal and planetary health to the public He has authored and
> > >> published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guies, and 
> books
> > >> on topics like health and the environment, reaching millions of 
> readers
> > >> with information that is saving lives and improving personal health
> > >> around the world. Adams is an independent journalist with strong 
> ethics
> > >> who does not get paid to write articles about any product or 
> company. In
> > >> 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of super bright LED light 
> bulbs
> > >> that are 1000% more energy efficient than incandescent lights. He's 
> also
> > >> a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known 
> email
> > >> marketing software company whose technology currently powers the
> > >> NewsTarget email newsletters. Adams also serves as the executive
> > >> director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer
> > >> protection group, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, 
> Pilates
> > >> and organic gardening.
> > >>  Known as the 'Health Ranger,' Adams' personal health statistics 
> and
> > >> mission statements are located at www.HealthRanger.org
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