Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Chris Burck wrote:
> artificially low prices and control of distribution are two sides of
> the same coin. from seed to shelf, the same entities are running the
> game. i didn't hear anyone suggesting farmer's markets are corporate
> controlled.


What was suggested was that 'corporations' have a stranglehold on
distribution, and you want cheap food you have to break that

That's what was not just suggested, that was clearly stated.

So, Farmer's Markets are not distribution then?
  If a half day on Saturday works for your community have at it.
  If there is no corporate stranglehold on Farmer's Markets, then
the food there should be cheaper, yes?

No. Food outside the corporate stranglehold isn't cheaper, it's
more expensive, it's also higher quality, better tasting and
considerably healthier.
  65 cents for Fuji apples and FRESH beats the heck out of corporate 
distribution in my book
It's all well and good to sit back and yell about corporate 
strangleholds and all that. Sure, there is plenty there to
yell about. At the end of the day, guess what? It doesn't matter.
If you haven't learned yet that 'corporations' aren't acting
in your best interest, then you just aren't going to learn it.

In most places in the US, you can source your food from within
your own 'food shed'. Yeah, that means no grapes for 89 cents a
pound in February, and you'll pay a serious premium for indoor
grown tomatoes this time of year. But if you canned the ones you
got when they were in season, you won't care.

Heck, you could grow some of it yourself.
  Sure, plant corn in front of your condo. Most people have little or no land

Sheesh, if you are a meat eater, you can actually go source your
meat from CSAs, see how the animals live, meet your butcher, see
how it's prepared. you don't have to eat downer cows if you don't want
to. It'll cost more. The folks providing that food have to live too.
  we have cows - and sheep and turkeys and chickens to name a few. Not my first 
rodeo. Used to live on 3000 acres. And I know what obstacles the corporations 
placed in the little guys way. My uncle ran a small abator and freezer plant. 
No ecoli in his meat thankyou.

Is that wrong?

If the corporations weren't airfreighting in grapes from south america
to sell at Wallmart for .89 a pound, (with some gawdawful fuel load) 
then somehow that would make the februrary grapes cheaper?


Know farms,
Know food.

> On 2/27/08, Chip Mefford wrote:
>> Kirk McLoren wrote:
>>> If you want cheaper food you have to break the stranglehold the
>> corporations have on distribution.

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