> Just finished reading it.  Maybe I'm under-reacting, but it looked as if
> the promise of a Suspended mask forced Dave to throw good money after
> bad.  By the 2nd month I would've obviously given up.  He got screwed
> for $40 and about 6 hours (total) of his time -- that's unfortunate, but
> he should consider himself lucky.  I got screwed out of $800 once, so
> forgive me if his comments sounds more like bitching and overreacting
> than anything else.

Worse, he got screwed out of a great item he really wanted, which he won
fair and square, and which he'll probably never find at that price again.
It's more that than the money.

> When you get screwed out of $800 you can bitch, but not $40.

Interesting.  Where exactly is the financial cutoff point between being
allowed and not being allowed to bitch?

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