Jim Leonard wrote:
>Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> Maybe that's my problem, but, for me, it's not a matter of winning or
> losing. I will not crawl over other collectors. Remember we're not
> about sniping against one unknown guy or other. We're talking about
> and bidding against each other.
> And that, I simply refuse to do.

>I think you're under the impression that most of us are backstabbing
>greedy hoarders that don't care about fellow collectors at all.

Jesus! Where from my words have you taken that conclusion?! Precisely
because I know we're all honest collectors, I was trying to suggest a way
to protect each other from stepping on another list member's toes because
both sniped at the same time.

And about "reserving", you have the same opinion that I do, proven on your
last mail.

>Honestly, I think we've proven that, as a whole, we care about the hobby
>and community enough that that's not the case.

That was never at stake, Jim.

>(glances sideways at C. E. Forman) Well, *almost* all of us...  ;-)

ROFL! :D The word "Cyborg" immediatly sprung to mind! ;)

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Pedro R. Quaresma
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"


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