There is a huge learning curve when dealing with the PS2.  However, once
you've learned's like any other system.  The second generation of
games will be very impressive.  I don't think the PS2 is going away for
several years.  The only really bad aspect of programming the PS2 is the
very limited texture memory...this will always be a problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Leonard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] Soccer games (was:Shock)

"Lee K. Seitz" wrote:
> Jim Leonard boldly stated:
> >
> >Now, compared to the Jaguar, the PlayStation did deserve to conquer the
> >market because the 3D unit in it was decent and it was CDROM-based,
> >which kept the cost of games down.  But the Saturn was the same way and
> >the Saturn didn't deserve to die the way it did.
> That's funny.  The things I read said that the 3D processor in the
> Saturn was added later.  It had originally been designed as a killer
> 2D system, but then they saw where Nintendo and Sony (and the game
> market in general) were going with their "next generation" machines.
> I also read that another big factor was the difficulty in programming
> its dual process architecture.  Which is funny, because now Sony's
> done pretty much the same thing with the PS2.  You'd think they'd
> learn from their competitors' past mistakes.

My modern programmer friends tell me that the PlayStation 2 is a bitch
to code for.  The docs are written like an engineering specification
("flip bit x to toggle alpha bit y", etc.)  Hugh can back me up on this,
I'm sure.

There's nothing wrong with a dual-CPU architecture if you code for it
right.  Jaguar and Saturn were both multiple-CPU architecture, but that
kind of system is so hard to code for effectively that you're right, it
was difficult.  Game coders are not used to coding multiple-reentrant
event-driving routines -- most game engine flows in their most
simplistic form are like this:

user input
variable adjustment
rendering pipeline

.repeated ad infinitum.  To take advantage of multiple CPUs, you have
to restructure how you write games.
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