> What I think I'll eventually do for softwarecollecting.org is make it a
> "portal" of sorts, where a software collecting FAQ can exist, with
> (explaining the different types of shrinkwrap, how to spot fakes, "good"
> shrinkwrap holes vs. bad ones, illustrated examples of the various grades
> the MobyScale, etc.)

I've got a sample FAQ we can build from.  Started working on it when Sarinee
(of Underdogs) and I were planning gameprops.com, a site that would list
everything that's supposed to be in a particular game package, so you'd know
for certain if yours was complete.  It never got off the ground, though.
Let me see if I can find it and I'll post it here, we can go from there.
This should be a collaborative effort based on everyone's knowledge and
experience of the hobby.

> > Where do you house 600 games?
> Against a wall on bookshelves, although Hugh Falk has an awesome
> Closets getup.

Same here, $30 shelves you can buy at K-Mart.  I have 5 right now, and
they're starting to overflow. (1200+ items, but I collect box variations.
See my page at http://www.yois.biz/vault for pics and a complete list.)

Brad, you've got some nice pieces in your set.  Lots of RPGs, reminds me of
TomMage's.  Lots of SSI, some Sierra, shrinked Castle Wolfenstein and

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