Okay, so back to my original questions, what do you do if the box is missing
and the map is missing, but you have the disk and manual?

You say: "When I have a single loose prop or disk (or a completely empty box),
I grade
it with only only one Mobyscore based on its condition. "

Can you give a specific example of how this works? If you use only one grade,
how do you know at a glance if the box or the contents is the IM?

I also think NM (S) is still valid.  What if you have a defect on the shrink
other than a tear (like writing)?  I wouldn't call it MS.


On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 17:30:07 -0500 "C.E. Forman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >One thing that might make the list
> shorter...I've never used IM and MMC
> >modifiers for the same game
> I'm already set up to use both modifiers.  It
> may be a bit superfluous, but
> I prefer it simply because it's more accurate
> at a glance.  If you look at a
> modifier of "IM" your first thought would be
> it's missing at least one prop.
> But if you saw both "IM" and "MMC", you'd
> immediately know it's missing both
> a prop *and* at least one minor item.
> On a similar topic, I notice in a previous
> message that you gave an example
> using "NM (S)(T)".  Here I never include both
> modifiers, only the "T".  In
> this case the "S" is redundant, since you can't
> have torn wrap if you don't
> have wrap.
> >Why do I say IM/IM might be wrong?  Well IM is
> a modifier and not actually
> a
> >condition and therefore shouldn't stand on
> it's own. Thoughts?
> When I have a single loose prop or disk (or a
> completely empty box), I grade
> it with only only one Mobyscore based on its
> condition.  When I have
> multiple loose pieces from the same game, I
> Mobyscore the props together and
> use "IM" as the box score (and another "IM" as
> a modifier if it's not a
> complete set of loose props).  To me, "IM" is a
> box rating or a modifier (or
> both), but never a props rating.
> I've never used "NM (S)", either.  If it's mint
> and sealed it's "MS".  If
> it's sealed but with a minor defect it's "F
> (S)".  The only sealed modifier
> I use with "NM" is "T", for sealed but with
> torn wrap (so it can't be truly
> mint).
> As for disk sleeves, I treat them as a minor
> component, so "MMC" would apply
> if the sleeve is not the original.
> I would request that we not expand the
> Mobyscale.  It was designed to be
> flexible so individual collectors can tailor it
> to their individual needs.
> For me, all possible conditions of an item can
> already be described using
> the current notations.  Due to the time
> required to recode YOIS to accept
> new modifiers, I would not be implementing
> them.
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